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5 years ago

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Any "Name That Porn" QUESTIONS..?
10 years ago

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Can YOU Name That Porn?
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@Operator - so how many confirms are needed before answers are marked as correct?
soo we cant change profile names?
@Anon_d9c.FFLwPMtPg - It's called Working , Why don't U Try it sometime.... I have over 800 Definite answers waiting.... Now I only answer AFTER I check if user is Still around, or ones I Want to Know,,,,,Oh, and check that last comment U left Me, AH

Trust me, everyone is indeed in the same sinking boat when it comes to points. Some users just spend an ungodly amount of time on this site doing nothing but answering question after question, which is how they get at the top of the leaderboards every month. I myself just refuse to answer questions from users who I know for a fact don't except answers in a timely fashion, and I suggest that everyone follow suit. That's the only way more answers will be accepted.
I find it more and more difficult to believe that "everybody is in the same boat," when I've kept seeing the same exact users consistently on the top 10 list every month that I've been here. Now that tells me one of two things, either they're being favored for some dumbfuck reason or they've figured out a way to rig the system somehow in their favor. It must be nice getting all their answers accepted, but then I wouldn't know. I have hundreds of posts just sitting around waiting to get accepted and probably not even a quarter of them ever will be. So I ask myself what's the point. There's only so much time a guy can wait before he says fuck it.
Anonymous troll
@L1bru5 hello, that is the thread to request confirms from users. I don't know how often users confirm each other.
@Operator - is there a new thread where we post for confirms or still use the same one? I have about 6-7 pages of answers needing confirmations under my "following" page

A thread to request confirms
10 years ago

Since moderation has ended, I've noticed that many users have answered questions asking for videos by just providing video links without tags or additional info. And users have been confirming these answers because OPs are likely to accept them. An answer like this provides the most minimal amount of info and cannot be added to the database; it is a low standard for answers.

Now--correct me if I'm wrong--but it sounds as if tags are necessary for all answers and confirming answers without them will result in point deduction, which I support.

Here's an example:

Where can I find this video?
7 years ago

Are these considered partial answers that need tags?

You can from now on recieve negative points for bad quality/wrong confirms. For example, if the confirmed answer is found to be missing name tags, needs proof or is partial, you'll recieive -5 points. This will only apply from confirms made from this point onwards, older confirms won't be counted. In either case, if an answer is not accepted as correct, the confirms will reset. NB! +1 Point for every confirm made is also removed.

The purpose of this is to ensure that confirming is taken more seriously by users, thus resulting in better confirms that will, in turn, be marked as correct faster.

There's also a warning that pops up after you click the confirm button, to verify that you indeed intended to make that confirm, in order to rule out confirms made by a mistake.

Also fixed:
+ Being able to mark as correct or confirm thread comments. (Dont answer threads, report them. Your answer cannot be marked as correct!)
+ Newer messages not appearing in private chat.
+ Double confirming glitch.

+ Added green ticks in Questions tab in profiles for questions, that have been solved.
+ The green ticks are also in Comments tab and show you if the question is solved (Remember, that this tab shows only unsolved answers, so the accept had to go to someone else.)

+ Level 1's cannot accept answers with no confirms anymore. So if you are level 1, the answer in your post, needs minimal one confirm and then you can accept it. This will prevent completely fresh users, from making mistakes.
+ There is different event for OP accepting his own answer and system/moderator doing it. The last one will result in a 2 point minus.
@hlenhart What do you want from me? As I have said before, I can't moderate your answers. I am developing a global solution, which is in development. Everybody is in the same boat. Nobody is getting moderated at this moment.
@Operator - I've run into MANY requests with 7 Confirms (Two in 5 minutes one day), including hi-level confirms, from myself also. How many do U need - How is Anything going to get accomplished? As an example here's one of mine (for 1000+ points, 3 Years old) , can't find others anymore.....Thx -
What's the name of this pornstar?
11 years ago
@WorldsBestPorn its a free country. If he doesnt like you, he doesn't have to accept your answers. Your best bet is not to answer his questions and wait for the user based review solution to replace overall moderating.

Active user bonus can come with badges, which is planned but not as critical as email and-or browser push notifications, when OP's post gets a response. To allow push notifications, we implemented full HTTPS coverage. Im mentioning this, because it took many months to prepare for this, but these long-steps are often necessary to do a simple solution at the end.

@leon does accept sometimes, but he never accepts answers from me, no matter how much info to confirm I provide, which is why I no longer answer his questions. If he's being biased against me, then I'm sure he's doing it to others as well, and users shouldn't be allowed to withhold points based on who they like or don't like. But an even bigger problem are users who post questions and then vanish for months without coming online to check them, which is why I'm suggesting a reward for active users. For example, if a user logs in 5 days in a row, then they can get a 100 point "Active user bonus". At 10 days in a row, it can jump to 150, so on and so forth. If we had this, then more people will spend daily time here, which would lead to more posts, more answers and more accepts.
Leon accepts sometimes. It is bordeline OK. We suspend only users, in specific terms against our community model.
The way I see it, if we're going to start suspending or banning users for not accepting answers, then we may as well suspend or ban everyone, because it seems that no one is accepting answers anymore.
Anonymous troll

Wow, that's great. I've been complaining to@Operator about@leon not accepting my answers for months, so hopefully something can be done about him and others too.
I'm pleased to report that@Operator responded to a complaint about this user for rarely accepting answers by suspending his account:

What's the name of this porn star?
7 years ago


I hope to see the suspension of accounts as a more common practice for users who are too often happy to get their questions answered without rewarding those who answered them.
Anonymous troll
maybe to show that you've already liked/view the posts on the mainscreen
So Search WORKS now ??? I haven't had a Successful Search in Weeks
Anonymous troll
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