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Any "Name That Porn" QUESTIONS..?
10 years ago

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Profiles will be fully redesigned, with usability in mind. A green check mark is doable before rebuild, but after the initial launch of review pool.

When you go to someone's profile and click the questions tab, a list of all their posted questions come up, but is there anyway to add a green check mark next to the questions that have been answered already? I only ask because when I answer a question for an OP, and he accepts it as correct without delay, then I want to reward him by going to his questions tab and answering more of his questions. But this is difficult to do since there's no way to tell answered questions from open ones by looking at that tab.
There are often multiple aliases, but also potentially multiple people, with multiple aliases, and descriptions that are necessary to says which is which.

I don't disagree with you, but it can get complicated very quickly. With this kind of change, the data structure for the system becomes much more complicated with multiple child tables, though that could make indexing a lot faster.
@dub OP cannot undo confirms. Only the user who confirms, can undo its own confirm vote.

There are many systems planned. Its fairly simple, whatever you come up, we have thought of it most likely. There are just priorities. I thought the key priority is the points now, not answer quality. So we are working on review pool. After that post display system, that will reduce load on server and make replying easier and more logical. After that render speed and mobile support.
By multiple answers I understand you refer to pornstars with multiple alias, don't you? That's easy to solve with an adjacent "+ Name" link/button, which would open subsequent textboxes. The same could be even done with Movie titles (on the cases where it's relevant), and any needed explanation can be given in the "Commentary and links" general purpose textbox. And, as it happens, any further required info can be appended by editing the comment.

The thing is to let users a clear, natural way to designate the key part of the answer, so it can be indexed without much intervention. Guiding us by universal interface patterns which do match our expectations will create much less friction (and certainly will be much more effective) than relying on ad hoc instructions, asking us to open a FAQ or help page, and interrupting us with notifications if we don't fill some boxes.
I have thought of this many times as well. Instead of relying on formatting, give discrete entry boxes for each piece of data you are looking for.

The problem is, each piece of data can be complicated with multiple answers, or needed explanation.

What might be nice is if you post an answer, you would be notified immediately that you are missing pieces, and those notifications could have direct links to "How to Format" for each one. Then you can either choose to fix it, or with the knowledge that you don't have the complete answer, you can post anyway, and will not have the opportunity to get a confirm.
Letting OPs undo our own confirmations would also help us to correct inadequate (v.g. unformatted) answers and cut down on bad examples of (un-) acceptable answers. (I usually expect to be offered to unmark as correct when I press the "Correct Answer" apparent link on the upper right of the comment, and feel bad for being bound to those old wrong accepts).

Of course, changing the format of the single comment box to a textbox set (with, I'd say, optional boxes for Pornstar name, Movie title, and Commentary and links), and stating that you need to fill the pornstar name and give some link as proof for it to be accepted, would also help occasional and newb answerers to give acceptable, useful answers more clearly and more naturally, without requiring them to read and follow the (very unusual, for most outsiders) formatting instructions.

The textbox set and requirements could be different for different post types (for example, giving a Pornstar name could be not required to be accepted for "Where can I find this video?" questions, and threads might not have any additional textbox, if you want them to just be open discussion threads, with no correct answers...).
so what should i do? flag posts like mason moore's to receive more info?
@mentiraa Only the name is technically not enough. Some very very common faces, most probably moderators used to mark as correct. But if we take the name database out of the game, then the answer is very poor. Proper answer needs name (tagged) and link, always. That is the winning combination, whether the OP looks for a name or video.

@Killer_John This is a thread for common questions. Yours is specific. As I said, if you want to know how to convert stuff, email us.
@mentiraa The OP accepted the answer.@Operator acknowledged that quality is taking a hit with no moderation and Level 1 accepts. We'll only see answers that were not accepted because of lack of info in older posts.
then why we have posts like this answered?

What's the name of this porn star?
7 years ago

im not saying i agree with just a name tagged or just a name its not enough, i think we need to fix this

lets accept more complete answers? ok, so lets flag posts without it and so go on

@NinNin -@KeyMasterOfGozer
ty for the replies lets see what the boss thinks about it

In the case of your example, I would expect a confirm link. It took me 10 seconds to find this:


Personally, I'm glad to see that staff is expecting more in an answer.
I think at some point, the criteria for accepting a post as correct increased to actually having to have some credible proof with the formatted name. So just putting down a name is not good enough anymore, even if it might be the right one.
hi there boss

what can we do about this kind of posts?

What's the name of this porn star?
8 years ago

imo the answer is correct but the pop up saying "This answer lacks enough grounds to be marked as correct. Read more" still there

should i flag the post telling the staff to accept the answer or something like that?
Actually my mp4 video is 10 sec, I need to reduce to 6 sec GIF. It will be 5 MB after conversion. Most of image hosting sites don't support above 5 MB files( JPEG or GIF).

and also I am not able to post GIF links here because it stuck at "loading hold on" there is no problem with jpeg links.
@regularmen xhamster delivery is sort of broken. Will be fixed in near future.

@Killer_John there is no direct file upload support (yet). Or is there video support (yet). ezgif is your best bet. You dont need to convert the seconds or even size. ezgif should be able to do all that. Then upload it to some hosting site, imgur, tiny pic or some gif dump and paste the link here. But since your problem is very specific, you can email us and we can take a look at your issue.
Is it just me? Any post that has videos embedded from xhamster is kinda screwed. I mean they didn't showed up, just black object. I need to use inspector to find the video ID and manually open the link using the ID
How to upload 10 sec porn mp4 to here?

I have 10 sec porn video, But I want to know the title of the video. I already tried convert 10 sec (mp4) to 6 sec (GIF) using but it is not working well.

I am already so despair about this.
You dont need to convert anything, there is nothing to convert. The links are dead. The posts have been forever deleted and if you see the message, you can delete that link.
Posts get deleted all the time. We get DMCA from content owner, and booffhh post gone. Especially when the post has no reference to source and has bunch of torrent links.

Here is the bottom line: Moderation as it was, does not work. All of you are not getting points EQUALLY. Review system will handle older, newer posts, spam, everything. If your post is pending longer -- you will actually get more points. Answering questions about where is your posts, will delay you getting points, because development is on halt.

In next 5-14 days there will be releases on some degree of the review system and some users will be granted access.
@WorldsBestPorn He couldn't post for a while, because his accept ratio was so low. He has accepted some posts, but ultimately he has so many posts, he probably doesn't notice your notifications.
He didn't used to accept any answers, so things have improved. So there is nothing we will do about it. He will accept his posts at some point or review pool will do it. Manually going over his stuff is unnecessary delay on development.

@NinNin Keys image URL is just outdated, your short url is dead. If it says dead link, then its dead. The post you are referring to is deleted.
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