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Pleaae can anyone help me to fix my account

Please can anyone help me
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A cat pulled a cable out. We put it back in. Should be fine now.

If any issues happen, always clear your browser history / cache / settings. Adblock should not affect the site. And there are less and less ads, when you gain level. High level users have no ads -- so you could of course disable adblock as well.

Chrome should be the best browser to use the site.

Also you must understand, that there are hackers and spammers in this world, who want to ruin everything. Collateral damage happens, when dealing against them.

Whatever issues might happen, most get picked up and fixed. There is no need to even report them. As it is impossible to keep track of them all.
@ThrillOfTheHunt me2 it just started working yesterday first time in 2 months i dont know how many times i emailed support never a answer and kept trying to find simmilar post on support and help topics pages coudint find one
I had this exact issue for about 2 months. The site randomly started working yesterday for me and I was finally able to log in again today. I reached out to support and never got an answer. I'm commenting on this for visibility since it seems to be a fairly common occurrence

Further details: my issue was identical to the one that@satanismo described and it didn't matter what device or browser I used, although I never tried a VPN and my issue resolved itself somehow
It just started working now
I had and have something similar happen to me on several occasions. When I opened NTP no images would load. All links were only text and none of the links worked. I use Chrome so I tried Firefox and Edge to no avail. I was ass out for a good four or five days. Finally, I tried turning on my VPN before I launched my browser and that remedied the problem. Even after I turned off the VPN the site still worked. I don't know why.
I had a similar issue which may be related. When I started using this site, the buttons and login didn't work for me in Chrome, but they did in Edge, and I figured it's because of the popup blocker(s) in Chrome. Once I approved the site's popups, I could use the buttons and login in Chrome.
So my advice would be to check your mobile browser's blockers/settings, or maybe check another browser on your phone.
Hope this helps.
Mine was randomly fixed about 3 weeks ago
The exact same thing is happening to me bro.
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