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5 years ago

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Any "Name That Porn" QUESTIONS..?
10 years ago

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Ok im gonna convert all the image files today in the next 2 hours.
Hey guys. There might be some readonly mode time today. Im currently working on making the site work faster and reducing our bandwidth resource black hole.

Im also gonna test out some faster memory tricks, maybe I can make things ever faster..

I also made a nice search feature. But sadly im not happy with the query time, so there for it is not yet released.

Let me know, if what you feel guys. Its important to share :)
Mark as correct button, should say that when you are trying to mark a question, which you are not the OP. In that case we wanted to do a VOTE CONFIRM button, but because of the server crash we are a little busy yet. The basic functions, related to marking correct, answering, user points and etc will be our no 1# priority.
As far as i can tell the "mark as correct" button isn't working. it says is "loading, hold on..." but then never does anything.
Anonymous troll
Very nice job!!
Anonymous troll
So, we had a major server meltdown. You can read more from here http://namethatporn.com/help/announcements.html

We are terribly sorry for that. But there was nothing to do, but wait. We should be OK for now, and keep monitoring the servers, so we could upgrade before anything bad could happen. I hope you guys are not too mad.
So anyways, if we miss out on some of your cool answers and dont get accepted. You can post them here. This is temp. solution, as im currently working on our search function, that will make things easier and then we will revisit some of the stuff to get less duplicate posts.

PS: Lakers, you are probably the best answerer here, but a quick tip for you, if you want to refer to some of our own question, then instead of the full URL:
Staff thread. Ask. Suggest. Get info.
11 years ago

Use the short-link aka. SURL instead. That will create this box and show some of the basic info of that topic:
Staff thread. Ask. Suggest. Get info.
11 years ago

Keep up the good work, and dont hesitate to feedback us with all possible ideas you may have :)
PS: Don't forget to upvote good questions and posts. For that you can later get badges and extra points. Also we can later start to filter the quality like that.
Hey Lakers.

The user pages are in the works. They will have all the information you just described and more. I will also make a search function, that you can filter, to find more interesting posts just for your choice.

Also, the designs are for a dropdown feature, kinda like facebook, but better for the upper right corner. We just had to release the site as it was, to see if it would work and to push it out from BETA. I don't know when I will have time again to work on the users pages. But people who are active in this thread, will be the first ones too see it for sure. So you can help us test it out, when its ready to release.

Users aka. OP's are able to accept your answers. Sadly, most of them dont do it, so the moderators double check, if the answer is correct and mark it as correct. We have planned, that after 3 days from creating the question and OP hasn't shown a sign of life. Users can vote for answers to get accepted automatically.

So all your suggestions and right to the point and luckly, we share your visions and some of the features are in development already, waiting for testing and release.

I will try to finish the search soon, that will be a great tool for answering stuff, that is already in our system. And also, we can spot the questions with possible correct answers more faster. So as temp. solution for getting faster correct answers, that will do the trick.

Thank you so much for the feedback, and as always, we are happy to hear more :)
I think we need user page to see the post that we asked / answered / favorite.

The upper right corner should link to user page not just log out ,you can reference facebook's / google's design.

Maybe the user should be able to vote the correct answer not just wait the administrator online.
You can see so many post already have correct answer without mark right now.
So, how are you guys liking the site so far? I hope the updates aren't too slow? I see some of you have really started to answer good. I really would like to take a moment to thank you guys. There is a badge system built in too, so once its ready, you will get bunch of automatically calculated badges too. From the stuff you are doing right now already.

Search function will be done soon.

But love to hear your ideas and suggestions :)

NB! Please don't intro yourself, no names no nothing, this isn't the place for that -- its a pornsite
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