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Any "Name That Porn" QUESTIONS..?
10 years ago

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Can YOU Name That Porn?
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From my own experience, I'd say either someone posted a comment on a post you're following, and removed it later on because they found out the answer was wrong, or the comment was reported as spam, and later removed by a mod.
I have recently been getting notifications for comments on my posts, but when I go to my post, there is no actual comment. I have received the notification and the post says that there is a comment, but there is no comment below.

Is this a glitch, or maybe a the commenter/another user causing the comment to be deleted? Thanks for any clarification.

Thank you for your reply, because I appreciate getting clarification on this issue. But just so that I understand you clearly, you're saying that my account can still be suspended if I engage in rude/Inappropriate behavior while I'm not even logged in to my account? That's good to know, because I'll come back to that later. But more importantly, I wouldn't say that I've made any rude comments really at all. Except for the fact that I simply responded to another anon user who has been constantly tagging me (and you) in comments telling you to ban me, simply because I answer all kinds of posts, and he doesn't like that. Here's the proof:

#496789 image

As you can see, those are 2 of the trolling comments and false-flags that he's done, but there have been several more. I documented this because I had a feeling that the person doing the trolling would face no punishment, but I would simply for responding to them, and that's exactly what happened. But since you said that even anon users can be suspended for their behavior, shouldn't Anon_95w7ITQBhCUa6 have his account suspended as well? And shouldn't he be suspended every time he false-flags someone and tags you in a comment over utter nonsense?

Rude/Inappropriate behavior, even if the comments are made anonymously can still result a suspension to your user account.

As far as I can tell, you have received two 24 hour suspensions for making rude comments. It's worth to mention that 24 hour suspension is the softest 'punishment' action available to mods.
@Don &@Operator

I seem to be experiencing a glitch at the login screen this past week. On 2 separate occasions I tried to login, and it said that I was suspended, even though I know for a fact that I haven't violated any terms of service. Also, when a person is legit suspended, there is a reason given on their profile. Be it spam, rude comments, etc. But there were no reason given to me at all either time, so I have no clue what activity to change even it the suspensions were legit, which again I'm sure they weren't. And at first, it also said that I was suspended until the year 2018, before correcting itself to 3 days, and then under 24hrs a few mins later. O_O So what's the deal?
Exactly like@KeyMasterOfGozer described happens to me all the time: click on a thumbnail in the right rail, video deleted, got back to previous page, thumbnails have all changed. I agree that throwing away the questions with deleted videos discards research that was already done.

I post the preview images in posts with deleted videos quite often and many of them have been solved because of it.

I'd advocate for an "Preview" button or link that shows the NTP ("displays") version of the preview image. Or only have the preview image as the first item, and put the video below it so even if the video is deleted, the preview image will still be available.
@Operator That doesn't work if you click, say the "Other unsolved questions" to the right side. When you return to the previous post, the thumbnails are now for different things. You might never be able to find the thumbnail again. But surely the thumbnail is linked to the page itself somehow in the DB, right?

Also, if you Delete posts with old videos, you will be removing any info that someone else may have researched. I would think it would be better to simply substitute the old deleted video with the cached thumbnail, then research won't be lost.
@Anon_2dMDiLV2xt96Q I dont know the solution, I have no idea what you are trying to upload that is so big it crashes the submitter.

@fairlyghost Old videos are currently marked and will be deleted. so most likely you don't need this solution very often. But you can right click on the thumbnail and inspect element and get the source URL to thumbnail file.
Thanks that's helpful.

What@KeyMasterOfGozer and I are talking about is if a video has been removed, there is no image in the post to show what used to be there. Often I will click a thumbnail of interest, but then there will be nothing in the post, like this:

who is this girl
9 years ago

but by just pasting in the preview image that NTP saves, I've gotten a few posts solved that would have otherwise gone unsolved because there was at least some image to identify.

So the request is: could you include a button, or link to the preview image for the post in case videos get removed but we still want to solve them? It could even be like the "Source" button, but instead of the original URL, it could be "Preview" and a link to the preview image. Or it could be some kind of + toggle that shows the image on click.
@Operator Ok...so what's the solution? I've tried 5 times to post the GIF, and it never posts.
Anonymous troll
@KeyMasterOfGozer Maximum cache on deleted posts, is so small it shouldn't be an issue. If you mean, that in other unsolved questions you click somewhere and last moment you see a thumbnail, but the cache is expired and you cannot go back to find it. Then I know its an issue, I have the same problem often, but I have got no solution for it yet.

@fairlyghost I believe, I have no idea what you guys are talking about. But maybe I can offer you another trick. If you copy the URL:
And remove the D1XASTZVWW2GX and add ntp.so in front of it. Then you have the posts SURL. So you can go to the post directly:
name and video of this pornstar ?
9 years ago

@anon_2dMDiLV2xt96Q your gif is 26mb. The system thinks you are attacking it and flushes you out. It doesn't actually load for ever, it just doesn't remove the loading sign.
@Operator @Don I'm unable to post gifs from pornhub. Every time I do, it takes forever to load (about 5-7 mins), but after I enter my title and other info and press submit, it just says "loading". As I write this now, it's been "loading" for 27 mins. Here's the gif:


Can someone copy the URL for me and post it in the search bar? If it works for you, let me know and I will follow the post.
Anonymous troll
A great suggestion. Here is a tip until that gets implemented: what I do is copy the URL of the thumbnail, paste it into the answer field, and change "tinies" to "displays" in the URL. This will show the full size preview image. Even if I don't know the answer I will just paste the image for future hunters.

It would be nice if we could recall it on the actual page like you are suggesting but maybe the above tip is useful until then.

Sometimes for some of the older (higher point) posts, the video linked as the question can be deleted, but the thumbnail on this site leading to the post is still cached on this site. That is usually how I was lead to the post. Often times, I see the thumbnail either on the sidebar "Other unsolved questions", or browsing through the "Scavenger Hunt" section, and on seeing the thumbnail, I think I know the answer. Once I open the post's page, I can no longer see the image.

What I am asking for is the ability to show the cached thumbnail image on the page of the post. That could help me out a lot. The best option would be for someone to be able to "flag" a post as the video having been deleted, then the cached image would be displayed by default for everyone. Also, I'm not sure how large the cached thumbnail is, but obviously, the bigger, the better.
Hey there, I recently tried to upload a picture on the site. Wouldn't let me do so, I tried everything but it still wouldn't let me post it. Can I post it hefe? I need to know the girl's name / name of the video('s), I have two short video's of about 7 seconds. Help would be appreciated!
Anonymous troll
I just went back to the beginning of this thread 2 full years, (and I recommend that everyone do that, because it's like a complete history of this site), and noticed that there was once a staff member named @Queen. This staff member seemed pretty cool, always handing out tips on how to get your answers accepted faster, and even would hand out 100 extra pts if your answer was THAT good :O So my question is whatever happened to her? Er....him? Whomever it was, what ever happened to them? lol Anybody from back in the day know?
Sapodorado confirms this as correct.
Anonymous troll
I modernised the video detail system. Now there should be more thumbnails. Also alot of broken videos got deleted, so hopefully the community is much more clean now.

Sadly I have noticed a glitch, where mobile users copy the source mp4 file and it goes trough the system. If you see such things, then flag the post and we'll take care of it. An update for this glitch will be made.
@fairlyghost I will look into it on first free moment. Thank you for the report :)
@NinNin , @Anon_2dMDiLV2xt96Q

The spammer in question, or any spammer for that matter is not affiliated with the site. To be honest, I have no idea why would you even think that, as all of his posts will get deleted.

We need to apply different approaches to different types of spam. Dealing with spammers is often a cat and mouse game. Sometimes it's more effective to let the spammer have a certain ID for easier detection. We try to always award points for flagging, but if there are 100+ posts from the spammer, we'll delete them straight from the database, which unfortunately doesn't award points. But we are working on another pro-active solution, which will stop him for awhile at least.


There can be exceptions in certain cases of course but generally "Where can I find video" questions without playable media do not get marked as correct. (Note: A short clip would be sufficient). Also the OP's can always mark the questions solved regardless of the information provided.
Other unsolved questions