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Any "Name That Porn" QUESTIONS..?

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Can YOU Name That Porn?
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Since this thread is about questions, I'll have to form the following as such:

Doesn't it also warm your heart to see PornoExpertGuy has returned? (And in the few days left for this month in February before the statistics change, will you just look at the way he came out of nowhere to shoot near the top of the chart. Wow... you go, PEG!)
Problem is, that because of my day-job I have too good internet and too fast computer. Which is a bad platform to test these out. Basically I will look into it soon.

Anyways we have a brand new tool ready to make moderation quicker. So hopefully you guys can feel it too soon.
However, while moderating is faster, then we are doing less editorial work. So we would like to get the format of good answers correct. Tagging and providing proofs. We would like to redo the help pages for new users and were thinking, that maybe you guys want to help with it.
Basically, you can uservoice us your ideas on what was hard to learn in this community, when you started off. And together we can make a sweet and helpful page. Hopefully it will make things easier, for new guys and get better results.
Forgot to copy my comment before posting, DANG it! Now have to rewrite everything again, and it was more than a few words. Operator's thoughtful suggestion to save the day "(Basically, if the comment doesn't show and your text area is wiped clean, then click ctrl + Z for undo, and you should get your comment back.. Copy reload and paste and new comment", from Post #23421 below) does not do the trick. Not griping here, we have to accept kinks here and there... just informing. Remember to make a copy before posting, fellows. (I should practice what I preach.)
Notification system is still in dev.

Anyways guys, keep your eyes open on comments and videos, if video doesn't work, please let us know.
I would like to make one suggestion here and I don't know whether it was asked before(if yes, then please give me pointer to that thread or chat).

I would like to have some kind of notifications whenever my name is being used in some thread or post.

for ex-

Where can I find this video?
10 years ago

I was not aware of the fact that some comment was referred to me. It was only when I realized to check for this scene and came to know that Know-way confirmed the link for me and replied the same.

I don't know how much work this will be for the site creators but I think that it would be a good feature to this site and also for us.
I didn't expect such a speedy response, thanks. Although I'm sure there are some who are anxious to get their scores settled, what is important is for you not to have it up to here; the task requires superhuman effort even when there has not been such a scary accumulation.

Your answer was fascinating; I had imagined there was a record of the left-hand comment sidebar, and that is what would have been used to go through, one-by-agonizing-one.
@wickedsaint score got high because, one of our techniques is that, we take some users..check their comments manually. Sadly, there was so many of them, that I didn't get around to do the others. Everybody in the top10, has felt this once or twice :)
Dr_PreX has such a wonderful personality.

Dear Operator, I have a curiosity I think others will share. I was delighted to see Wickedsaint's incredible work of late become acknowledged, and his score shot skyward higher than the victim of a U.S. drone attack. One minute it was in the 1,000s, and the next minute it was in the 9,000s. But nobody else's score budged perceptibly. So you will be updating the terrifying backlog of corrections that has accumulated in your absence... user by user? Not that it matters, don't get me wrong; I was just startled, as I had imagined the system for updating the corrections would have had nothing to do with individual members.
Now can see again.., that Confirm button..,

Hope.., this is not disappear again... :D
Oh ok, thank you for the feedback, its fixed now. So keep confirming and we will get the solved ratio up again :)

Just like what T0rtilla says, why the Confirm button is diseapper now..,
or are you removed that Confirm button,
yesterday, the button could be seen between of UpVote, DownVote, & Flag button, but now..., is gone....,

What topics are you checking at? The confirm button should only work, when the post has no accepted answer and you are not the OP. Also, if you are in admin mode, then you should simply have mark as correct button...but that's probably not the case, unless you are tapping into my wifi..
The Confirm button has been removed? Or has some level restriction? Because it doesn't appear to me now.
Good idea btw....,
Now..., all my downvote is gone & change to zero...,

Because of the voting glitch. I have reset all downvotes on everything and turned on the privileges module. So downvoting is minimal for level 5.
Thanks for the Feedback...,

Okay.., Understood now..,

I just asking cause.., I have a lot Fav & Following that's can be easy to saw..
if any re-asking & re-answer..,
but now right know..., i just only see at latest Following & Fav....,

I Will try...,
I've just woke up, enter here and... It's not like a new page but almost.
Welcome back, Operator.
I see that you have arrived and already have been fixing some problems, and the Confirm button...
I think that most of us, especially those who were a little upset with downvotes, will resume the searches with more enthusiasm.
We have some VIP users yes. We basically mark the most reliable users, who use nametags and are always right. So we can find their comments easier.

Favorite posts work as designed. However following posts doesn't have a notification module hooked yet.

And I can see you and zeus have started confirming. That is very good. Keep up the good work. I will start patch moderating now. The more you confirm, the faster it will go.

Thank You for the hardwork to make all this be awesome, growing & much more...,
You know the be an Techinical & Operator is difficult..,

I already given some Confirm button for the correct answer.., that's cool.., for me..,

Yep..., That's great idea helping moderate choose the good answer for the question..,
VIP's user.., are we have here..., ?? I don't know that.., :D

Good.., 5 only can make a Confirm sounds good..,
to can reduce the in correct answer & uneccesary confirm..,

Okay.., Let's make this sites better..,

Then my questions again is..
What's the problem in Following & Favorite post is been ready solved or not...,;D
Hello everybody.

The confirm button seems to be active and working now. Try it out and let me know if everything is cool. Also, the more you confirm, the quicker we get stuff moderated.

Currently there is no automatic accept, so we still will moderate, but your confirm votes will lead us there. Also, VIP users confirm votes will get checked quicker like always. We will figure out some statistics on the votes and make it automatic.

Currently there is a low level restriction of 5. So basically, total newbies cannot use it and yet most, who know the site can use it.

Lets see how it works out and then tweak it.

Also voting was a little bugged. Basically some comment makers didn't get event, but the OP did. That has been fixed and should explain the unfair votes a little. For example, when the comment got downvoted, then it actually went to the original post. Weird, but fixed. Hopefully I can run a script over it, re-calculating everything.

The commenting not working might be related to the upgrades I did just now. But then again there is some server related hung-outs, for them I really don't have a solution. Basically, if the the comment doesn't show and your textarea is wiped clean, then click ctrl + Z for undo, and you should get your comment back.. Copy reload and paste and new comment. I will soon check, if I can detect it and when it doesn't post, you can simply click the submit again.
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