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Any "Name That Porn" QUESTIONS..?

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Can YOU Name That Porn?
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Hi there!

not really a question and not sure if it has already been suggested before,
and dont know if it is even possible..

1. but wouldnt it maybe be hmm "better" in some cases to bo able to send each other messages?
now we sometimes have to communicate through posts,
in the hope that the person its meant for gets to read it.

2. the same thing as i believe know-way already said,
to be able to see the up/down votes..
maybe not even with a name, but to see where and for what you got it.

3. and final one (for now) O:)
a button somewhere to easily go to your profile for everybody,
because now i believe people are only able to view the profile when in the top10 or by clicking on your name if you made a comment or anything

Greetings! :)

oops.. did i post this at the wrong thread? :$
@ Lozjo

Thank you for notifying us.

There is no relation between the two sites. I've looked into this and it seems Google has mistakenly indexed some of the references to our site on namethatpornstar.com

Original thread where the reference in question was posted:

This is most likely due to how namethatpornstar.com deals with outgoing links. Notice the /click.php?url= in the link you provided. This causes Google to think that the reference is a part of the namethatpornstar.com site, while it's really an outgoing link.
Dear Operator, when you get the chance, you may want to combine these two:


("Ava Adams" has been misspelled.)

As for the post below, are you sure this thread was the best place to ask an I.D. question, Felixvilla00?

By all means! With the understanding that the e-mail address I used was of the throwaway kind, for which I have no reason to normally visit. I'll be making a point of keeping an eye out now, but if I'm laggard in catching your letter, please don't think me rude.

Was it only today and today only? We have a very complex ad system setup, so it wouldn't affect so much the community, but would get the money from people, who just pass by. Today it seems, that there were some funny anomaly's with out code minifiers. It maybe because of that.

Sadly of course, Google saw it too, and we are currently working on some major issues. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

But Know-way, you are very helpful for our site. Is there any way, we can talk privately. The e-mail that you registered from, is it OK if we contact you from there? Or is it a fake one for only this site? We will be contacting you with our domain name in the email, so I'm asking in advance, if its OK.

Please let me know.
How do i find my questions? I posted some and idk if they were answered or not
Operator, you have done a phenomenal job, particularly regarding the new Pornstar directory and the links from the posts/threads that lead to it. You and Sir Don are very talented.

Dr_PreX makes a fine point below, and maybe one day you will fine-tune your excellent execution of grouping the actresses the way you have done. Right now, I'm sure you need to recover from the great effort you have put out, not just for this, but in revamping parts of the system.

It's also unusual that you and Don took the issues that have been raised on this thread and have cleared them up in record time.

(Still some kinks, though... as to be expected. For example, I have noticed my I.D. information with the numbers next to the little blue circle are up-to-date in some places, but I've now noticed that it is not updated in my posts below.)

You obviously have a degree of commitment and passion for your web site that is almost touching.

And you have such a great site, too. I suppose many here are aware of your "competitor," Name That Porn Star... a well-meaning site, but cannot compare, as far as what Name That Porn has to offer.


I have two issues to declare.

Today, when I clicked on the "Show all" link, I kept getting redirected to an ad page. In the past, once in a while, I have noticed an ad pop-up - but it only happened once during that browsing session, and the page popped up elsewhere. This time, the ad page substituted the Name That Porn page, and it would not let up every time I kept clicking on Show all. I needed to click the "Stop Page Load" symbol to stay on the NTP page. This is not good, if it will keep happening.


One day, when you get the inspiration to add another improvement, perhaps it may be possible to link to an explanatory page from the Profile pages' "gotten upvotes/downvotes" section. I have found myself wondering what I could have said that inspired especially the naysayers... and it could be interesting to go to the source of our silent critics, or the complimenters.

Yes.. that is great Idea btw.., I like it..,

but.., May I suggest..,

How If.., same Pornstar with different name, place it into one place..,
cause on that list I found some of that..,

Rose Red Rose Red Tyrell -- Rachel Roxx Rachel Roxxx -- Rahyndee Rahyndee James
and many more..


Because..., if we place into one place, that make easier to find and understanding..,
but.., this is just my opinion..,
So the idea with the tags was this:
@staff & Know-way

Okay.. I understood now.., and I will try it later..,


Thanks so much for great Explain..

Where do babies come from?
I will try to launch a pornstar directory as I can never find anything on this site. I have the directory itself built already.. just final touches. Just that if you have multiple names inside one bracket, then the system will ignore it.

So basically:
Ava Taylor, Dillon Harper and Shae Summers - OK
Avat Taylor, Dillion Harper And Shae Summers - Ignored


This is for the future. I will let a parser over the old ones, that will fix them :)

Also note, that you can capitalize them or not, it doesn't matter. If they are in the tags, then they will automatically be formatted.
Hi, Dr_PreX; I'm sure our esteemed Operator will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think what he's getting at... and let's call the "" and "" symbols "bracket" (EDIT: Aw, heck! I had a feeling those symbols were not going to show. You know which ones, the two next to the "P" key on the keyboard, the ones looking like "(" and ")," but straight and not curvy)... is do this:

"bracket"[Ava Taylor]"bracket" and "bracket"[Elizabeth Taylor]"bracket" --

-- instead of "bracket"[Ava Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor]"bracket"

As for the purpose of it not being understood... must be a systematic thing. Besides, ours is not to reason why... ours is to blindly obey! (I was gonna say "do or die" for that last part, but then I thought, I don't want to die.)

Okay.., First sorry If My English is too Bad..,

I actually understand with what you say ..,
but the purpose of it, still not yet understood..

You means.., separate name by name.., like this..
sample.. Ava[Taylor]..,
or.., give me a picture of this would be nice..,

If you can read this. Then please try to put names into names tags separately. I'm gonna work on an idea today, but it needs to have one name per tag, otherwise wont be accurate. We will fix the old ones ourselves.
Exciting! I just went to that page, and voila - the button was present and accounted for. (Oh, the exhiliration I felt when I clicked on it, and gave Lojzo the credit he richly deserved. Now I have a sense of how you guys must feel.) Thank you, dear Operator and Don.
Since there are so many places, what needed updated code, one was overlooked. I changed it and from your account view, I saw the button. So check it out and let us know.

If you see a problem, don't update your browsers cache, as our problems should be fixed without it and site was made, so it would force your browser to load new cache anyways. There are some rare cases, when things look OK from our side and we ask users to update their cache.
@ Know-way
Thank you for notifying us. This is due to the ongoing server updates, which hopefully will be completed later today.

I'll leave the question open for now, so we can confirm that the issue has been resolved after we are done working with the server.
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