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5 years ago

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Any "Name That Porn" QUESTIONS..?
10 years ago

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Can YOU Name That Porn?
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@fenasikerim If OP wants to delete their post, we usually let them delete the post. But if there is an answer, then we will accept it first.

As for the other posts, they are very little away for auto moderator to accept them. Post such posts in bulk (in reasonable quantity) to confirms thread and other user will help you out.

Basically, if I keep manually accepting everyones posts from this staff thread, then I won't be able to develop anything as I am too busy moderating. But you are doing good and I am more than sure, they will get accepted within few days if you would post it on the thread.
@Operator I understand. I have 3 other anonymous posts and i don't expect soon to finalize their posts. Probably they will never come back.

Another one is answered by me but OP wants to delete the post instead of mark my answer as correct. It's weird. Could you have a look please? Thank you very much.

What's the name of this porn actor?
9 years ago
What's the name of this porn star?
8 years ago
What's the name of this porn star?
8 years ago

The post who OP wants to delete:

Auto.msg.: ntp.so/ - dead link
@fenasikerim In these types of situations, you wait for confirms.
@Operator 3 years old post, asked by Anonymous still needs closure. What can we do about this?

Where can I find this video?
9 years ago
@onesreg its in the trash. It only might appear on the homepage. We can maybe remove it from homepage too.

Yes, that's a reasonable answer. Why don't just delete such posts?

Why does it appear at all ?
@onesreg It is trashed for a reason. No screenshots are accepted. If the OP doesn't bother to use proper media or crop it, then it goes to trash, regardless if its solvable.
Alot of post, comments, confirm, views, votes and basically ALL numeric counts got synced up. Dead content got deleted. Things feel much fresher now.

From now on we don't have profile views. It seemed useless.

Also from now on you can see freshest replied threads under Show threads page only. New replies into threads, won't make them bump into homepage.

Profiles and general user related information is even more faster now. And the missing profile data (post count) is hooked up, but not yet calculating live..

The query mechanisms are new and all of the grid pages, with posts in them should be crazy fast!!!.

User details should be also faster, so you should get the notification icons more live from now on.

Please feedback, if the site feels faster and let me know, if some page seems slow, even if you wait a little and try to reload it again.
PS: Logging in should be crazy fast too now.
Some performance boost was found in user profiles, that also includes the tabs. So let me know if its more faster for you. Oh, also the favorites and followings. And messages should be faster now too.

Confirm system got some updates, but we cannot test all possible scenarios, so basically let me know here, if there is any issues with giving confirms or accepting answers! This specially goes for lower user OP's.

In theory, low level OP's should be able to accept answers in their posts, that are made by answerers who have a good track record or the answer has a confirm. -- If it doesn't happen, then maybe something was left overlooked somewhere.

Also not perfect, but the threads, bounty, solved and unsolved pages should sometimes load faster..ich... well better then before at least.
All users can post into Confirm Thread 3 times in last 24 hours from now on. This is to make things more fair.

We are working on a method, that allows users to confirm more easily and make the confirming more natural. But until then, we have to stay civil.
@onesreg AM system is designed to get smarter by time.

AM is not doing anything wrong. AM just calculates massive amount of variables. Big part of the variables are confirms. If other users do bad confirms, the AM work quality might drop, but only temporary.

Sooner or later we spot the mistake (this is where flagging mistakes comes into play), and when mistake is corrected, the mistaken confirmer gets "punished". His confirms matter less in the future.

We wont get into details with AM algorithms, to prevent manipulation. But it's pretty accurate. There are a very small % of mistakes. And mistakes can be overwritten and they will happen less in future.

Having said all that, I cannot stress this enough. Your confirms matter! Do not confirm, simply because someone is asking for you! Take your time and review it! Make sure it is in fact correct in all means! Confirming wrongfully is worst, then answering wrongfully! Answerers can make mistakes, confirmers CONFIRM that its correct!
Thank you very much @NinNin
I don't follow all of this really, the site staff obviously has a lot of work to do, there's always something to change.

Once I saw some instructions about the flag warnings, but I do not know what all the warnings could be

Anyway, I think I asked a good question, You gave me the answer.

Thx again.
@onesreg If you go back a month to comment #84372129,@Don says the following about mistakes made by auto mod:

NB! If you spot a mistake made by auto_moderator, please flag it with AM_ERROR. Weeding out wrong answers is just as important for the algorithm as finding good answers.
Issue about solving posts by auto_moderator

I suppose your new acceptance system by auto_moderator is based on confirms,
to speedsolving up the response - solved ratio etc... It is clear that you have a lot of work to do.

But, in that case, auto_moderator can't аlways accept correct answer ...

e.g. auto_moderator didn't accept the correct answer - Madison Ivy - she is, but wrong movie (Doesn't matter that my answer is correct - but have no confirms)
Where can I find this video?
10 years ago

Often there are such posts and because of that you might be able to place a flag chellenge or something like that, ( I think that is important) to prevent it - to stop automatically solving by auto_moderator.

Please consider,

So in nutshell what is going on. Due to growth, some systems need to be modified to support bigger amount of data(flow). Profiles took a big hit, some of the stats are 0 on all profiles and I guess there are some bugs there.

Also notification system is ridiculous at the moment. So Im gonna slowly but surely address all these problems. This is here to let you know, that profiles will have some problems until they are fixed and notification system will be redone from ground up and older notification will be truncated.
What happened to the profile page? I can only access page one of all the tabs: Activity, Questions, Answers, so on
Other unsolved questions