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The ultimate noob guide
5 years ago

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Any "Name That Porn" QUESTIONS..?
10 years ago

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Can YOU Name That Porn?
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How to answer in any questions. I don't understand .
@Moderator thanks again for your kindness... I am really hoping that@Operator will do something regarding this matter asap...I am also having a feeling that someone in NTP is doing these trolling just to annoy me, disturb me...maybe an unknown hater of mine..who knows
Moderator message
@Kivoca the only way to stop this troll from posting on your thread is to temporarily trash it until@Operator does something. I've notified him about it. I can restore it later. Your call
@Moderator thanks for your kind reply if you can't ban, remove comment then at least delete@indianmaster @realindianmaster @theindianmaster these account like @masterindian was deleted yesterday.. Idk who deleted either a mod or@Operator but if you can delete accounts then please do it..deleting these accounts also solves my problem
Moderator message
@Kivoca sorry, only@Operator can remove comments, posts, answers and ban users. Suspensions are to stop further abuse. It's the only tool mods have for these users.
For those of you who have been burned by users who delete their questions upon receiving an answer, which the system shouldn't even allow, there may be some recourse.

This is the answer I was working on - reported below - that was deleted before I was finished: https://namethatporn.com/post/ 1426881-what-is-her-name-.html

If you've ever seen one of my answers, especially for amateurs or cam models, you know that I like to be thorough and this takes time.

@Defiant told me if you search the url in the Internet Archive, you may be able to retrieve some info, most importantly who asked the question:
https://web.archive.org/web/20230324150421/https://namethatporn.com/post/ 1426881-what-is-her-name-.html

In this case, it was likely one-and-done user@Kittipob . If this was a user with more of a history, I'd add their name to the Blacklist thread.

Yesterday, a longtime user deleted his question. It wasn't available on the Internet Archive, but I know who it was and I let him know in dm. I'm going to keep it to myself unless he does this again.

EDIT:@Defiant mentioned that you can download the Internet Archive extension for individual archiving.

I find that most people who ask (and often demand) but rarely answer questions feel entitled to an answer, like we're machines who churn them out. Some of us act like machines at times. But we give our time freely because most of us enjoy it, and the overall lack of appreciation is sad.
@Administrator @Moderator@Operator can you please remove the spam comments of
@indianmaster @theindianmaster@realindianmaster @masterindian my thread? There are 20+ comments, which polluted, ruined the environment of my thread. He's 2 accounts are suspended but he's comments are still available in the thread. What's the point of suspension, if you don’t delete the comments? So please remove it
@BurnerHelper No one can post from local files.
what is the minimum level required to post from local files?
Moderator message
@Odetomaybe url shorteners aren't allowed because 9.9/10 times it leads to unsafe websites.
This ass just deleted his question once he received the answer but not before I was done with it. How can I find out who it was?
https://namethatporn.com/post/ 1426881-what-is-her-name-.html
@newbie2 Thank you for the reply, I will pay attention.

My Question:

Hi. A few hours ago someone tagged me but the post was deleted before I saw it. Did I make a mistake somewhere, what was against the rules? I need to know so I don't do it again.

post number : 1426556-what-is-her-name-its-from-girlfoporn

and the post was about Jessica Hull from girlsdoporn
Moderator message
For the AI questions, find the source/artist instead of just tagging "AI" or making up names. Treat it the same as 2d art and anime.
Why is this 3-year-question corrected by a moderator (not by OP or by auto-moderator) and select a 1-month-answer when there is a 3-year-answer with 2 confirmations?

What's the name of this video? / girl
5 years ago
Q1: Where is the list of whitelisted video sites? I can't find it anywhere.

Q2: If I have a video I want to ask about, but it's not hosted at a whitelisted site, how should I go about asking about it when I can't upload videos?
Moderator message
@Odetomaybe I wish we had such power

Yes, it's awful when an OP deletes their question after receiving an answer. It shows an absolute disregard for another person's time. I even know of a high level user who did it recently. If I spend a lot of time on a question, I'll take a screenshot of it, if I remember, so at least I don't lose the info.

Right now there's nothing we can do about it. OP has a certain amount of time to delete their question even if it's been commented on, which doesn't make sense at all.@Operator should've fixed this a long time ago.
Why no dark mode?
@Parzivalaz report the user in "Problem User Thread" writing the reason
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