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Any "Name That Porn" QUESTIONS..?

This is an "ask other users for help" thread. This is the fastest place for common questions about the site. DO NOT ask porn-related questions here!

For image host use https://imgbb.com or https://postimages.org or another adult friendly site, read TOS to ensure site hosts adult content.

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11 years ago

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5 years ago
Can YOU Name That Porn?
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Do answers get deleted ?
I can't seem to find one which I wrote some while back I guess that the question got deleted or something on searching I get this
#1280039 image

The Zoe doll and Alexa Tomas one
@NinNin thanks I never checked that one I guess
@Reaper_3x You can dm anyone who has accepted your friend request. They are listed in the messages section of your account.
Kinda noob question but how do you text your friends?
Which site works with uploading pictures? Have tried several all failed due to their formatting of the url.
Hidden User
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Is there a way to ask when you don't have any visuals?

I can describe but don't know the names etc. It's a vintage I think from the 90's a blonde sucking off a guy on a desk with senator/councilman/counsellor "name" in the background looks like an office, green top which is above or below her breast, long hair, and strange music in the background jungle like, quiet. It's just a clip I've seen, should be a longer film. Dude is uncut, brown hair, she has fairly long hair frazzled, has her hand on his stomach, gets up for a moment then continues to suck, she's on the left side of the screen.
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I've gotten a few friends requests which I've accepted. Is there a way to see your friends list? All I see is the number of friends on my profile.
Sounds good in theory but how could that work? Who would come up with the money for the payouts? What's a fair pts > $ conversion rate that isn't too high to pay out but still feels rewarding for lower level users?

I think this would also be very harmful to the community as there would be a monetary incentive to steal answers or pushing through bad answers - fixing this would require lots of moderators and make people unnecessarily competitive. Those problems are already bad enough without any value attached to them.

There would also be people with multiaccounts that would intentionally post duplicates or questions only answerable by them to "farm" points (and therefore money) in the long run, putting even more unnecessary litter on here and essentially levering out the original point of the site.

If you feel like you're wasting your time by answering questions here you can just stop, nobody is forcing you to help.

Good idea. Won't work, though.
Hey hi guys ...

Do you think there's a way, for us, the ones who TAKE THE TIME to search every F picture that comes to this website, earn money out of it ? ...

For example :
- Earn $1 per X amount of correct answers.
- Have a particular request and be paid it for it.
- Exchange the points we have for X amount of money (without losing the current level maybe).

I know this is for fun, but I don't know. We're wasting time here you wanted or not. And I'm not talking about huge amounts of money.

Does anyone though about this before ? ... It just an opinion/idea and I don't think is a bad one. Who wouldn't like to earn some bucks out of this. I'd love it honestly.

But yeah, that's it. Please let me know what you think :)
@lolopeck123 this is not the place to ask. Make a post requesting that information, do not post in this thread for it.
https://ibb.co/XCtkttB i need her name or just the code will be great,please help me thanks
Can someone help me with these?
Where can I find this video?
9 years ago
Where can I find this video?
8 years ago
Setting is the same, actors too but they're wearing totally different clothes (and the guy has glasses), so it likely isn't photoshopped, so?
Where can I find this video?
9 years ago

I am not sure, and I do not want to seem like I am policing porn, but is this even allowed? I looked up the answer, and he "rapes" and "kills" her in "snuff" genre? I know a lot of porn is contains, lots of rapey undertones, but is this over the line on this site?
Does anyone know what the rules are for hentai artwork? I've been labeling them with square brackets since that's the way to gather all of their works, which is generally what people want. I heard from someone else that you're not supposed to do that? What should I do?
@liebrarian bestiality is against the rules, but those are clearly photoshopped so... idk however it’s safer to flag these posts
@liebrarian there have been other solved with animals, i think they only take down CP since it's illegal basically everywhere
Are these even legal? I think it's borderline? Creative work is I think protected, but I am not sure.
Auto.msg.: ntp.so/ - dead link Auto.msg.: ntp.so/ - dead link
looking for name and set link
5 years ago
When I comment, how can I include text I want to say and also NameThatPorn links? Whenever I try to do that, it deletes the text.
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