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7 NEW Tips & Tricks to Level Up FAST!

Recently, I saw a post from a disgruntled young man. He was upset that he had been on this site for over a month, but couldn't level up past 3 because barely any of his answers had been marked correct, even though he claimed to have tagged them properly. He was even threatening to leave this site for good, since he couldn't get an answer from any moderators. His post resonated with me because a week ago, I was EXACTLY like that young man. In fact, I was WORSE. I had been here a month too, but was still level 1 with just 50 pts, and thought I would never reach my goal of being level 5. Well 7 days later, I reached it. That's right, I gained over 1000 pts and jumped up 4 levels in just 7 DAYS. How? Well that's what this thread is for. I will tell you what tips helped me reach my goal fast, and hopefully if you're struggling to level up, they will help you out. Also, if anyone else has any tips, or has any questions for me, feel free to post them here to help others out. Plus, any additional tips that I come up with will be posted in the comments, so FOLLOW this thread so you don't miss any! I just hope that young man sees this thread, does these tips, and decides to stay after all:

Tip #1 Be active
I know this may sound like a no-brainier, but most people who aren't leveling up are BARELY active on this site. During my past week, I was spending an hour a day or MORE answering posts, and it obviously paid off.

Tip #2 DON'T Skip Posts That Say No Video Preview
They are EASY pts! For some reason, when people see a post that says that, they say "piss on that. On to the next one". Well ALWAYS check those posts out, because hardly anyone else does, which leaves all the pts for YOUR sexy ass if you can solve it.

Tip #3 Keep Your Eye to the Right
On the right of the screen, you'll see tons of open posts, and most of them are worth BIG points. So don't ignore them! Spend as much time answering those posts on the right as you do answering newer posts on the homepage, and you will stack up the points.

Tip #4 Be As Detailed As Possible With Your Answers
No matter WHAT the OP asks for, I always give the porn star names, scene name,AND link to the full video to confirm everything I said is legit. (All tagged properly, of course,) That's very important. ALWAYS provide a link to CONFIRM so your answer can get marker correct faster.

Tip #5 Use Confirm Threads OFTEN
In order to use them properly, keep track of what posts you have answered correctly, but haven't been confirmed yet. An easy way to do this is to favorite ONLY those posts. If you do that, then you can quickly visit your favorites and see how many have been answered, and how many haven't. Then simply copy the links of the ones that haven't been answered yet and post them into the confirm threads. I'm telling you, this works like a charm.

Tip #6 Be An Asshole
lol Well hey, you didn't come here to learn how to pet kittens, blow bubbles, or bake cupcakes, did you?! You're here because you have been unable to level up, and now you want to do it FAST, and sometimes you gotta be an asshole to do it. Ever see a post that you know the answer to, but see that someone else already answered? Well most people just move on, because you snooze, you lose, right? WRONG! Have I taught you nothing?! Did their answer get CONFIRMED yet? Does it have ALL the info? Is it properly TAGGED? If the answer is no, (and again, that's only IF the answer is NO), then PISS ON THEM! You heard me! PISS all over them! lol STEAL their posted info and combine it with your own to create the most DETAILED and PERFECT answer you can get. I've done this dozens of times, and even though someone posted the right answer sometimes DAYS before me, mine got marked correct because I posted the most details and with the proper tags. I'm an asshole, I know. But I'm level 5, bitch. And if you stick with me, then you will be too. lol NOTE: For the record, only be an asshole if you're level 4 or lower, and trying to get to level 5 so you can help others. If you're level 80 and STEALING answers from people who are level 1, then you are a TRUE asshole. lol Oh, and steal from anons too. They suck at tagging.

Tip #7 For The Love of GOD, PLEASE Be Patient
Look, no one's more impatient than me. Hell, I've wreaked 4 laptops just because my porn wouldn't load fast enough. lol So it used to absolutely ENRAGE me when some of my answers wouldn't be marked correct a WEEK after I posted them, or when they WOULD be marked correct, but I wouldn't receive my points for it right away. But you have to remember that every answer confirmation (and APPROVAL of said confirmation), is done by an actual human being, so it does take time. But once you DO get the points, you'll be leveling up faster than in Pokemon Go, bitch! So don't give up and fap on, my friends.
Can YOU Name That Porn?
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Another tip for me is liking your own post haha.. but seriously it works.
I'll reiterate: Confirm links get you confirms! Help us help you.

lol Thanks bro :D

#6 is the best advice lol

It's been a while since anyone has added some tips to this, so that needs to change. lol At the moment, you and I are currently 5th and 6th on the leaderboards, and I noticed that you were in the Top 10 all of last month too, so you MUST have some new tips to share, right? ;)
@Settembrini "Tip #0 Use Reverse Image Search"

That's a good tip, so I'll add one more to the 3 you already named. There's this new website called http://pornstar.id/ and it uses facial recognition technology to identity porn stars pretty accurately. I've been using it for the past 2 weeks, and I think it has a lot of promise, but there are drawbacks. Currently, since the site is still in it's beta form, it can only recognize the faces of about 600 porn stars, but they said that number will jump to over 22,000 once they fully go live. So for those hard images, try this as a last resort. It might just identify it for you.

P.S. Just a few mins ago, I had a hard time remembering this chick's name:

Image search was ZERO help, so I went to pornstarID, and it identified her with the quickness. lol Use this pic and try it for yourself.

It says I don't have enough privileges to gain access to messages yet :/ Just post the message here.
My suggestion for a Tip #8: Confirm links help you get confirms!
@PornLover9000 Welcome to the community and thank you for your message.

1) I have never tried to "cheat" the system by opening a second account to confirm my own answers, so I can't speak to that. But@WorldsBestPorn did it, albeit through a fluke, and it's had its advantages for him.

2) I agree, an "honest" point is relative, but I've been here for a little while and there are general standards in posting answers that, for the most part, are observed by long-time members.

3) As far as open posts that have been answered but have not yet been marked as correct... If the answer isn't properly formatted, see Tip 6. But generally, the answer that was posted first, if properly formatted and containing the relevant information, will receive the most confirms and be marked as correct.

A lot of new members become frustrated out of turn because their answers aren't marked correct in a few days. Well, a lot of new members don't format their answers properly so they sit, or another member observes Tip 6. And many of us will eagerly confirm properly formatted answers because it's an easy 10 points.

Of course, all of the tips are pointless if one isn't correctly formatting his answers.
@NinNin "But I don't feel as if you're earning your points honestly via Tip 7..."

I get where you're coming from, but I don't agree 100%. What really is an "honest" point? I've seen threads that have open posts and the answers to them right below, making it easy for low-level users to just copy the answer and post it in the open post to earn easy points. Is that honest? At least liking your own comments is still you doing all the work, (both the answering and the liking), so I don't see much of a problem with it if you are a low-level user and no one else is marking your answers correct. Sure, marking your own answers as CORRECT would be a major problem, but according to a few threads that I read, I'm pretty sure you can't do that on this site, even with multiple accounts. So the fact that you are still able to like your own comments tells me that mods don't really care much about that.
@WorldsBestPorn You're right, Tip 7 may not help much if at all. But, in a sense, it goes against why the mods made it so that only level 5+ members can confirm answers. If you post a question in one account, then answer it in a second account, you can see the problem that this can create--one can level up simply by answering his own questions. Obviously level 50+ members can do this too, but I assume the mods believe that by the time one levels up to 5, he is working within the spirit of the community, as it were.
@NinNin Hmmm, I like it. Check out the NEW tip #7 ;)
@WorldsBestPorn I admire how quickly you've become an active and positive voice in this community. But I don't feel as if you're earning your points honestly via Tip 7. You yourself observed the best ways to level up fast. I'd follow your own suggestions, especially Tip 1, to level up. Obviously no one who is at level 50+ or 20+ got there easily. One tip you missed that I would replace tip 7 with is to be PATIENT. Some points come quicker than others, and the days when a dozen or two of your answers are marked as correct, you'll feel as if you've hit the jackpot.

But by all means, keep up the good work!
That was a intresting read! Good job@WorldsBestPorn

Feel free to publish Tip #7, I can promise that we won't ban you, but we might fix it and award you points if there's an unknown bug you have discovered.

Generally we are well aware of the various different ways people try to 'cheat' to level up faster - and more often than not, that results in a temporary ban/account deletion.

And I'd just like to add that 'stealing' points from high level users is generally an unsuccesful tactic, since your answer has to be better to be marked as correct and high level users are where they are, because they already have a proven track record of good quality answers.

Also remember everyone, there's always the option to flag the post, if you feel you personally have been 'robbed' of points unfairly.
my last post here was more than a year ago why? cause 70% of my answers
was stolen and i just gave up, assholes will be assholes
i just dont understand why old posts gets to be at the bottom that just promotes stealing.
@Settembrini and@WorldsBestPorn (in response to your comment to @Settembrini):

"Tip #6 should be extend to:
Tip #6 Be An Asshole (but not to other low-level users)

You can steal from anons and from high-level users,
that don't tag properly..."

I respectfully but, for the most part, disagree with you on this point.

I do like to help new members by referring them to http://namethatporn.com/help.html. But I feel that they are capable of doing exactly what I did when I joined this community and READ on how to post. I guess that makes me a helpful asshole ;)

As far as "stealing" answers, I have no issue in doing so to any user if the answer lacks proper formatting and hasn't been marked as correct for months. This generally isn't a problem with high-level users for obvious reasons. But usurping one's correct answer by posting the same answer but with more, although unnecessary, information is bad form.

I would not steal from high-level users by usurping their answers. That's where I think you'd be the asshole. High-level users helped build the database that you're now using.

@WorldsBestPorn Good job on this post!

Well I MOSTLY agree with you. It's not right to steal from low-level users...but only if you're already a HIGH-level user. But if you're both low-level, then I think it's fair game, bro. Because as long as a low-level user can level up to 5, and now be able to help out OTHER low-level users to confirm their answers, then I don't see that big of a problem if they do it at the expense of another low-level user. Basically they are taking now so they can give back later. And besides, these tips are for people who are trying to get to level 5, like the disgruntled young man I mentioned earlier, so I would hope nobody who's ranked way higher than that would need to use these tips anyway. Because then they would TRULY be an asshole. lol
Tip #6 should be extend to:
Tip #6 Be An Asshole (but not to other low-level users)

You can steal from anons and from high-level users,
that don't tag properly...
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