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Non-Consensual Content Policy (NCC Policy)

You may not post or share intimate photos or videos of someone that were produced or distributed without their consent.

Sharing explicit sexual images or videos of someone online without their consent is a severe violation of their privacy and our Terms & Conditions. Sometimes referred to as revenge porn, this content poses serious safety and security risks for people affected and can lead to physical, emotional, and financial hardship.

Content that we identify as a violation of our Non-Consensual Content Policy will be removed, and the associated user’s account actioned accordingly.


Do NOT use the site to upload, post, or otherwise share explicit images or videos that were taken, appear to have been taken or that were shared without the consent of the people involved.

Examples of the types of content that violate this policy include, but are not limited to:
  • Images or videos that are taken in an intimate setting and not intended for public distribution.
  • “Doxxing” - Exposing private and identifying information about a particular individual, including phone number, e-mail, address, or real government name.
  • Hidden camera content featuring nudity, partial nudity, and/or sexual acts.
  • Creepshots or upskirts - images or videos taken of people’s buttocks, up an individual’s skirt/dress or other clothes that allows people to see the person’s genitals, buttocks, or breasts.
Note that the policy does not apply to media distributed commercially with the consent of those depicted, although keep in mind our rules regarding respecting the intellectual property of others.


As a content sharing platform, NameThatPorn relies on our community of users and technology to help identify violative content. We also actively cooperate with law-enforcement investigations and promptly respond to valid legal requests received in order to assist in combating the dissemination of non-consensual recordings and distribution on the site.

Community Oversight and Detection

Detecting non-consensual images at the time of upload is complex. While we use technology to combat the distribution of non-consensual intimate images and videos, we also rely on people proactively reporting that type of content to us. As such, members of our community play an important role in helping to secure the integrity and safety of our platform.

If you have first-hand knowledge of content on the platform that violates these guidelines, or is otherwise illegal and abusive, you may alert us by reporting the content or emailing to our takedown email as soon as possible so that we can take appropriate and swift action.

If you are a registered user, if you come across content, users, or comments that you think may be harmful for the community, you may also flag them to us for review.

Automated Tools

Content that is identified and removed for violating our non-consensual content policy is digitally fingerprinted using our own digital fingerprinting software. Digitally fingerprinting unauthorized content serves as an added layer of protection against further distribution of the content on our platform.

Consequences for violating this policy

In all cases where we identify or are made aware of content that violates this policy, we will:
  • Review and remove infringing content;
  • Fingerprint the content in question to help block future uploads of the same content to our sites; AND
  • Suspend or permanently terminate the associated uploader's account, where appropriate.

How can I report violations of this policy?

If you believe you have come across non-consensual content, or any other content that otherwise violates our Terms & Conditions, we strongly encourage you to immediately alert us by flagging the content for our review.

If you are the victim or have first-hand knowledge that content violates our Non-Consensual Content policy, please report the content to us by reporting the content or emailing to our takedown email. Please include all relevant URL links to the content in question and we will address your request confidentially and remove the content as soon as possible.