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Child Sexual Abuse Material Policy (CSAM Policy)

We have a zero-tolerance policy towards any material that sexualizes, sexually exploits, or endangers children. If we find or are made aware of it, we will report it.

Our Terms & Conditions expressly prohibits any sexual or suggestive content involving minors (persons less than 18 years old). The most extreme category of this content is known as Child Sexual Abuse Material (or “CSAM”), in which a child is depicted as engaging in sexually explicit conduct.

Any content featuring or depicting a child (real, fictional, or animated) or promoting child sexual exploitation is strictly forbidden on our platform and is a severe violation of our Terms & Conditions.


Do NOT post material that:
  • Features, involves, or depicts a child.
  • Sexualizes a child. This includes content that features, involves, or depicts a child (including any illustrated, computer-generated, or other forms of realistic depictions of a human child) engaged in sexually explicit conduct or engaged in sexually suggestive acts.


We have strict policies, operational mechanisms, and technologies in place to tackle and take swift action against CSAM. We also cooperate with law-enforcement investigations and promptly respond to valid legal requests received to assist in combating the dissemination of CSAM on our site.

We use a combination of automated technology, human review, and community reports to detect activities potentially related to child sexual exploitation.

Consequences for violating this policy

We have a zero-tolerance policy towards any content that involves a child or constitutes child sexual abuse material. All child sexual abuse material that we identify or are made aware of results in the immediate removal of the content in question and the banning of its uploader.

How can I report violations of this policy?

If you believe you have come across CSAM, or any other content that otherwise violates our Terms & Conditions, we strongly encourage you to immediately alert us by flagging the content for our review.

If you are the victim or have first-hand knowledge that content violates our CSAM policy, please report the content to us by reporting the content or emailing to our takedown email. Please include all relevant URL links to the content in question and we will address your request confidentially and remove the content as soon as possible.