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When Did Beta-Male Porn Become a Thing? (DISCUSSION)

I'm sure over the past couple of years you've seen ads running on every porn site of this little rat-faced bastard Jordi El Nino. When I first saw him in a scene, I was like "WTF is this shit? Why was this made? Who would even want to watch a 90 pound, inbred-looking twink get manhandled by an older woman? Certainly not women, because I'm pretty sure no woman has ever said they wanted to see Jordi naked...EVER. And certainly not men either, because if they're watching MILF porn, they want to see that MILF get BANGED HARD, not spend the whole scene bench-pressing a little bitch like him. So my question is when did this kind of porn become a thing? Lately I've seen a couple more Beta-Males doing the whole Jordi thing as well, so it's seems like these type of scenes are growing in popularity. What the hell is going on?
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"Who would even want to watch a 90 pound, inbred-looking twink get manhandled by an older woman? Certainly not women, because I'm pretty sure no woman has ever said they wanted to see Jordi naked...EVER. And certainly not men either" - OP

"I'm not kinkshaming and I never said no one wants to watch this kind of thing." - Also OP

Yeah, I can see how this sort of thing could be considered a stepping stone into more kinkier forms of porn genres. You mentioned the MILF genre and it's strong women, but the main difference that I'm seeing between that and this is that the male seems to be the star of the scene, not the woman. In all the adverts that I've seen, the male is usually front and center. Even in the pic I posted above, Jordi is in the foreground while the MILF is in the background, so it looks like the caption to this pic could be "hey, wanna see this little 90-pound, pillow-humping, bugged-eyed dweeb get bench-pressed by a MILF???" Well my answer would be HELL NO, which is why I wondered who the targeted fanbase of this was. Because in the past if you saw an advert with a guy and a MILF, the caption would be "hey, wanna see this hot MILF ride a big cock and take a huge load on her face???" My answer to that would be HELL YES. lol
@WorldsBestPorn I wouldn't agree that BDSM and Femdom has had that market cornered for decades. They have had a segment of it cornered for sure, but I think for many people the jump from vanilla porn to BDSM is a rather big jump. This could, if anything, be seen as more of an intermediary step. Much of the MILF genre has some elements of this already, and in many ways are the only vanilla genre of porn with a high prevalence of strong female characters.

We can get back to the discussion at hand at any time, but I needed to make it clear that I wouldn't create an entire discussion thread simply to try to make someone feel badly about the kind of porn they like. Like I mentioned before, when I don't understand something, I ask questions about it, and I was generally curious to why this kind of porn was suddenly becoming more popular and who their targeted fanbase was. As for what you said about power play with strong undertones of humiliation/domination being a factor in it's popularity, I can definitely see that. But at the same time BDSM and Femdom (which I am a fan of) has had that market cornered for decades, and this seems be a bit different from those 2 genres.
@WorldsBestPorn hey! My box is a box of fleshlights, and you know it. Soapbox? Fuck that shit!

Can we get back to the discussion at hand? I answered you already, and tried to steer it back on track before already, but you didn't seem to have any interest in engaging in that? If you don't like Jordi, don't watch scenes with him. That's usually what I do if I don't like a specific actor.

"Who would ever want to be whipped? Certainly not men, certainly not women, I'm pretty sure no one ever said they wanted to be whipped!"

The comparison you just made makes less than no sense, because I NEVER stated that no one would want to watch this genre of porn in general. Hell, I even mentioned in my thread that it was growing in popularity, which means someone is clearly watching it, so what the hell are you talking about? What I implied in a comical sense is why anyone would want to watch scene's with Jordi in it SPECIFICALLY, since I have stated before that he ruins every scene for me that I've seen him in. So how you can compare an entire porn genre like whipping/flogging to scenes with ONE dude in it is beyond me. And because I'm clearly not a fan of Jordi SPECIFICALLY doesn't mean I'm "kink shaming" all the people who are making this genre popular in GENERAL, no matter how many times you get on top of your soapbox and state it.

And you're still not understanding the simple difference between two ways of expressing yourself.

"Why would someone want to be whipped? I don't understand it."

"Who would ever want to be whipped? Certainly not men, certainly not women, I'm pretty sure no one ever said they wanted to be whipped!"

...and no, not triggered. What's next, going to call me a "snowflake" or a "sjw"? That's usually what people who are concerned with the word "triggered" escalates to next.

"And you really don't understand that's what I call out as kink shaming?"

I understand that completely, but what you keep failing to understand is that just because YOU call something out as kink-shaming, doesn't make it true. Who made you the authority of who feels shamed and who doesn't? If I said I was unable to find any sexual appeal in getting tied up and whipped, and wondered why that was a popular genre of porn, that's not me "kink shaming" or "putting down" people who DO find it appealing. Goddamn, you really are triggered.

"At the very most I'm putting down this certain TYPE of porn"

Yes? And you really don't understand that's what I call out as kink shaming? Holy hell, did that really pass over your head all this time? And then you're the one to talk about ignorance? The irony couldn't be thicker if it was a BBW.

Yeah, I think you're trolling now as well, because saying the same thing over and over again doesn't change the reality of the situation, which is I didn't kink-shame or project anything onto anyone. You might have a point if someone created a post about Jordi, and I went to it asking who the hell would want to watch Master Splinter bone, but that's not what happened here. This is MY post, and I have to right to inquire about anything I choose in any way I choose, without someone saying I'm "putting people down" when I'm not. At the very most I'm putting down this certain TYPE of porn, because I don't see it's appeal. But when I don't understand something, I ask questions about it so that I can understand it, and that's exactly what I did here. Too many people in this world just choose to remain ignorant when they don't understand something, but that's never been me. It's not my fault if that offends you.
@WorldsBestPorn sure thing.

Because saying "Who would even want to watch..." has no value in it whatsoever. Especially not since you then see it fit to speak authoritatively for both men and women. No value at all, sure thing. If that's all you were curious about why didn't you just write "Who watches..." instead?

You're projecting your own tastes onto others, so yeah, you are kink shaming. I already offered a counterpoint as to who would enjoy it, and why, and tried to steer this thread back on track. You don't seem to be interested in discussing that though, but instead defending that you couldn't possibly be offhandedly shaming people even tough it's plain as day that you are.
@WorldsBestPorn I'm offended! Master Splinter?!

People are asking if you're trolling probably because your entire presence of commenting here was to say that I "kink-shamed" and "put people down", even though I didn't shame or put anyone down. Except of course for Jordi, because he looks like Master Splinter from the Ninja Turtles. lol People are free to like whatever they like, but simply asking who is the targeted fanbase for his type of scenes isn't putting them down.
@Thiswebsiteistrash are you? Why has it become so popular to accuse someone of trolling just because they disagree with you?
@BongoClown are you trolling right now? I honestly can't tell...
@Thiswebsiteistrash you answered your own statement with the parenthesized addendum there.

Also, speaking out for what you believe is right, and promoting not speaking down to people because of what they may or may not be into, is not the same as being triggered.

Either way, let's get back to the topic at hand, why does this porn exist? I offered one plausible reason (because people get off to it), care to offer another?
@BongoClown the guy simply expressed his opinion and it seems like it bothered you. That does make you seem triggered. Let's not forget that you're calling him out for "kink shaming" while he never said anything particularly negative about people who enjoy this sort of shit (apart from expressing disbelief that people actually get off on that).
@WorldsBestPorn well you kind of are by questioning that neither women nor men would want to watch this.

I'm not into this specific genre of porn, but I have no beef with Jordi in other scenes. He's got a nice big dick and he uses it reasonably well. Frankly I like seeing someone who's not super muscular and roided up once in a while.

I mean, this is exactly the same porn that has existed for some time, just with the roles reversed. It's power play, and has strong undertones of humiliation and domination, of course there will be lots of people who are into that.
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