Where can I find this video?
where can i find movie in the cinema start from 3:28 to 3:54
Original Media Source Url - Archived
https://web.archive.org/web/20170618131810/https://www.xvideos.co/video8641059/malizia_erotica_1979_ (add "m" to com)
Original Media Source Url - Copy
Screenshot At Mark 3:27 Min

His name is Jacques Manteil, her name might be Dominique Gallone aka Celine Gallone, here in scene 5 and/or a (deleted) scene from the French movie Le bijou d'amour, released by studio Les Films de la Rose in 1977/1978.

Downloads (full movie - 1:25:31 min):
Streams (full movie):
OPs pic resembles the sequence between marks 20:04 min and 22:41 min into these streams.
When you compare the short sequence from the movie Malizia Erotica (El periscopio - 1979) with the scene in this movie, you immediately spot the big problem:
It is obviously the same movie set, the guy is the same and they're both dressed in the same way - but the action itself does not match!
Bummer! :-(
At the moment, I have 2 different theories in regards to the discrepancy:
1.) Originally, 2 different versions of Le bijou d'amour existed and were released. One of them was a softcore version, in which you won't see penetration and full genitalia - that's the version you can watch above.
However, in my theory, the studio also released a hardcore version, with alternative footage. And this footage might resemble the action in the scene in the cinema from the movie Malizia Erotica.
I'm not very familiar with old porn movies in general, so I'm not sure if this makes sense and if this actually happened?!? Did studios back then in the 70s actually release different cuts/versions of movies?!? Someone with more experience might clarify this.
2.) In 2022, Le bijou d'amour was re-released in a bundle with another film on BluRay titled Draguse / Le Bijou D’Amour (Peekarama via Vinegar Syndrome).

According to one of the reviews that I found, it includes a
bonus pornographic scene for Le Bijou D’Amour, which was not in the final film.
In another review, it is stated that the
Bonus Scene (2:02, HD) offers a more hardcore fantasy encounter from "Le Bijou D'Amour."
And in a third one, it says:
Rounding out the extras on the disc is the original theatrical trailer for Le Bijou D’Amour and a brief bonus scene for Le Bijou D’Amour that offers viewers a stronger version of the first sex scene that takes place inside the cave.
The scene with Dominique Gallone aka Celine Gallone is indeed the "first sex scene" in the cave! So, this bonus scene might be in fact the scene from the movie Malizia Erotica. I would love to find this bonus scene to watch, but I can't find it anywhere at the moment, unfortunately... :(
And a minor detail: I'm not sure it's Dominique Gallone aka Celine Gallone in both versions. For whatever reason, it seems to me that the boobs of the woman in the hardcore version are bigger than in the softcore version. Maybe they used different girls for both versions?!? I can't say for sure; maybe it's just wrong judgement... ;-)
I am very certain that this is the correct movie - and the guy is definitely Jacques Manteil. But to prove this definitely, someone has to figure out why the action in the 2 very similar sequences does not match?!? I can't figure it out for now... :-(
http://web.archive.org/web/20220803064015/https://vinegarsyndrome.com/collections/frontpage/products/draguse-le-bijou-d-amour-peekarama (archived)
https://web.archive.org/web/20170618131810/https://www.xvideos.co/video8641059/malizia_erotica_1979_ (add "m" to com)
Original Media Source Url - Copy
Screenshot At Mark 3:27 Min

His name is Jacques Manteil, her name might be Dominique Gallone aka Celine Gallone, here in scene 5 and/or a (deleted) scene from the French movie Le bijou d'amour, released by studio Les Films de la Rose in 1977/1978.

Downloads (full movie - 1:25:31 min):
Streams (full movie):
OPs pic resembles the sequence between marks 20:04 min and 22:41 min into these streams.
When you compare the short sequence from the movie Malizia Erotica (El periscopio - 1979) with the scene in this movie, you immediately spot the big problem:
It is obviously the same movie set, the guy is the same and they're both dressed in the same way - but the action itself does not match!
Bummer! :-(
At the moment, I have 2 different theories in regards to the discrepancy:
1.) Originally, 2 different versions of Le bijou d'amour existed and were released. One of them was a softcore version, in which you won't see penetration and full genitalia - that's the version you can watch above.
However, in my theory, the studio also released a hardcore version, with alternative footage. And this footage might resemble the action in the scene in the cinema from the movie Malizia Erotica.
I'm not very familiar with old porn movies in general, so I'm not sure if this makes sense and if this actually happened?!? Did studios back then in the 70s actually release different cuts/versions of movies?!? Someone with more experience might clarify this.
2.) In 2022, Le bijou d'amour was re-released in a bundle with another film on BluRay titled Draguse / Le Bijou D’Amour (Peekarama via Vinegar Syndrome).

According to one of the reviews that I found, it includes a
bonus pornographic scene for Le Bijou D’Amour, which was not in the final film.
In another review, it is stated that the
Bonus Scene (2:02, HD) offers a more hardcore fantasy encounter from "Le Bijou D'Amour."
And in a third one, it says:
Rounding out the extras on the disc is the original theatrical trailer for Le Bijou D’Amour and a brief bonus scene for Le Bijou D’Amour that offers viewers a stronger version of the first sex scene that takes place inside the cave.
The scene with Dominique Gallone aka Celine Gallone is indeed the "first sex scene" in the cave! So, this bonus scene might be in fact the scene from the movie Malizia Erotica. I would love to find this bonus scene to watch, but I can't find it anywhere at the moment, unfortunately... :(
And a minor detail: I'm not sure it's Dominique Gallone aka Celine Gallone in both versions. For whatever reason, it seems to me that the boobs of the woman in the hardcore version are bigger than in the softcore version. Maybe they used different girls for both versions?!? I can't say for sure; maybe it's just wrong judgement... ;-)
I am very certain that this is the correct movie - and the guy is definitely Jacques Manteil. But to prove this definitely, someone has to figure out why the action in the 2 very similar sequences does not match?!? I can't figure it out for now... :-(
http://web.archive.org/web/20220803064015/https://vinegarsyndrome.com/collections/frontpage/products/draguse-le-bijou-d-amour-peekarama (archived)
Actress name.
5 years ago
AnsweredActress name or film name.
4 years ago
AnsweredHellas678, spectralecstasy and blaraiven confirms this as correct.
Can YOU Name That Porn?
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That's right, if you interpret it that way, then the thread author means the scene in the movie theater.
I had thought that it was the scene with the maid, but then I left my “wrong” answer as a comment here, maybe someone sees information about the movie Malizia erotica
My wrong answer was:
The Picture is from (softcore) movie Malizia erotica out of the year 1979, Time coding here is approx. 01:03:45. Her name is Bárbara Rey with Ángel Herraiz.
Titels of the movie:
And Give Us Our Daily Sex
El periscopio
Malizia erotica
Zeig mir wie man's macht
L'infirmière a le feu aux fesses
Τρυφερές νοσοκόμες
Sjuksystrarnas sexservice
Ja anna meille jokapaivainen seksimme
Country: Spain / Italy
Language: Italian
Cast: Laura Gemser, Barbara Rey, Mila Stanic, Daniele Vargas, Jose Sazatornil, Gabriele Tinti, Amparo Moreno, Mir Ferry, Alfred Lucchetti
I had thought that it was the scene with the maid, but then I left my “wrong” answer as a comment here, maybe someone sees information about the movie Malizia erotica
My wrong answer was:
The Picture is from (softcore) movie Malizia erotica out of the year 1979, Time coding here is approx. 01:03:45. Her name is Bárbara Rey with Ángel Herraiz.
Titels of the movie:
And Give Us Our Daily Sex
El periscopio
Malizia erotica
Zeig mir wie man's macht
L'infirmière a le feu aux fesses
Τρυφερές νοσοκόμες
Sjuksystrarnas sexservice
Ja anna meille jokapaivainen seksimme
Country: Spain / Italy
Language: Italian
Cast: Laura Gemser, Barbara Rey, Mila Stanic, Daniele Vargas, Jose Sazatornil, Gabriele Tinti, Amparo Moreno, Mir Ferry, Alfred Lucchetti
Original Media Source Url - Archived
https://web.archive.org/web/20170618131810/https://www.xvideos.co/video8641059/malizia_erotica_1979_ (add "m" to com)
Original Media Source Url - Copy
Screenshot At Mark 3:27 Min

His name is Jacques Manteil, her name might be Dominique Gallone aka Celine Gallone, here in scene 5 and/or a (deleted) scene from the French movie Le bijou d'amour, released by studio Les Films de la Rose in 1977/1978.

Downloads (full movie - 1:25:31 min):
Streams (full movie):
OPs pic resembles the sequence between marks 20:04 min and 22:41 min into these streams.
When you compare the short sequence from the movie Malizia Erotica (El periscopio - 1979) with the scene in this movie, you immediately spot the big problem:
It is obviously the same movie set, the guy is the same and they're both dressed in the same way - but the action itself does not match!
Bummer! :-(
At the moment, I have 2 different theories in regards to the discrepancy:
1.) Originally, 2 different versions of Le bijou d'amour existed and were released. One of them was a softcore version, in which you won't see penetration and full genitalia - that's the version you can watch above.
However, in my theory, the studio also released a hardcore version, with alternative footage. And this footage might resemble the action in the scene in the cinema from the movie Malizia Erotica.
I'm not very familiar with old porn movies in general, so I'm not sure if this makes sense and if this actually happened?!? Did studios back then in the 70s actually release different cuts/versions of movies?!? Someone with more experience might clarify this.
2.) In 2022, Le bijou d'amour was re-released in a bundle with another film on BluRay titled Draguse / Le Bijou D’Amour (Peekarama via Vinegar Syndrome).

According to one of the reviews that I found, it includes a
bonus pornographic scene for Le Bijou D’Amour, which was not in the final film.
In another review, it is stated that the
Bonus Scene (2:02, HD) offers a more hardcore fantasy encounter from "Le Bijou D'Amour."
And in a third one, it says:
Rounding out the extras on the disc is the original theatrical trailer for Le Bijou D’Amour and a brief bonus scene for Le Bijou D’Amour that offers viewers a stronger version of the first sex scene that takes place inside the cave.
The scene with Dominique Gallone aka Celine Gallone is indeed the "first sex scene" in the cave! So, this bonus scene might be in fact the scene from the movie Malizia Erotica. I would love to find this bonus scene to watch, but I can't find it anywhere at the moment, unfortunately... :(
And a minor detail: I'm not sure it's Dominique Gallone aka Celine Gallone in both versions. For whatever reason, it seems to me that the boobs of the woman in the hardcore version are bigger than in the softcore version. Maybe they used different girls for both versions?!? I can't say for sure; maybe it's just wrong judgement... ;-)
I am very certain that this is the correct movie - and the guy is definitely Jacques Manteil. But to prove this definitely, someone has to figure out why the action in the 2 very similar sequences does not match?!? I can't figure it out for now... :-(
http://web.archive.org/web/20220803064015/https://vinegarsyndrome.com/collections/frontpage/products/draguse-le-bijou-d-amour-peekarama (archived)
https://web.archive.org/web/20170618131810/https://www.xvideos.co/video8641059/malizia_erotica_1979_ (add "m" to com)
Original Media Source Url - Copy
Screenshot At Mark 3:27 Min

His name is Jacques Manteil, her name might be Dominique Gallone aka Celine Gallone, here in scene 5 and/or a (deleted) scene from the French movie Le bijou d'amour, released by studio Les Films de la Rose in 1977/1978.

Downloads (full movie - 1:25:31 min):
Streams (full movie):
OPs pic resembles the sequence between marks 20:04 min and 22:41 min into these streams.
When you compare the short sequence from the movie Malizia Erotica (El periscopio - 1979) with the scene in this movie, you immediately spot the big problem:
It is obviously the same movie set, the guy is the same and they're both dressed in the same way - but the action itself does not match!
Bummer! :-(
At the moment, I have 2 different theories in regards to the discrepancy:
1.) Originally, 2 different versions of Le bijou d'amour existed and were released. One of them was a softcore version, in which you won't see penetration and full genitalia - that's the version you can watch above.
However, in my theory, the studio also released a hardcore version, with alternative footage. And this footage might resemble the action in the scene in the cinema from the movie Malizia Erotica.
I'm not very familiar with old porn movies in general, so I'm not sure if this makes sense and if this actually happened?!? Did studios back then in the 70s actually release different cuts/versions of movies?!? Someone with more experience might clarify this.
2.) In 2022, Le bijou d'amour was re-released in a bundle with another film on BluRay titled Draguse / Le Bijou D’Amour (Peekarama via Vinegar Syndrome).

According to one of the reviews that I found, it includes a
bonus pornographic scene for Le Bijou D’Amour, which was not in the final film.
In another review, it is stated that the
Bonus Scene (2:02, HD) offers a more hardcore fantasy encounter from "Le Bijou D'Amour."
And in a third one, it says:
Rounding out the extras on the disc is the original theatrical trailer for Le Bijou D’Amour and a brief bonus scene for Le Bijou D’Amour that offers viewers a stronger version of the first sex scene that takes place inside the cave.
The scene with Dominique Gallone aka Celine Gallone is indeed the "first sex scene" in the cave! So, this bonus scene might be in fact the scene from the movie Malizia Erotica. I would love to find this bonus scene to watch, but I can't find it anywhere at the moment, unfortunately... :(
And a minor detail: I'm not sure it's Dominique Gallone aka Celine Gallone in both versions. For whatever reason, it seems to me that the boobs of the woman in the hardcore version are bigger than in the softcore version. Maybe they used different girls for both versions?!? I can't say for sure; maybe it's just wrong judgement... ;-)
I am very certain that this is the correct movie - and the guy is definitely Jacques Manteil. But to prove this definitely, someone has to figure out why the action in the 2 very similar sequences does not match?!? I can't figure it out for now... :-(
http://web.archive.org/web/20220803064015/https://vinegarsyndrome.com/collections/frontpage/products/draguse-le-bijou-d-amour-peekarama (archived)
Actress name.
5 years ago
AnsweredActress name or film name.
4 years ago
AnsweredHellas678, spectralecstasy and blaraiven confirms this as correct.
Other unsolved questions