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What movie is this?

Correct answer
The (main) movie is titled Mädchen, die sich hocharbeiten (in English known as Strip for Action and The Revealing of Elsie), first released by Avis in Switzerland in 1974.

marianne dupont in answer #1811537

In 2005, the companies WVG Medien GmbH and Ascot Elite released a DVD with the film under the same title and with dialogue in English.

marianne dupont in answer #1811537

Stream (full movie - in German):

Stream (full movie - with dialogue in English, from the release The Revealing of Elsie):

OPs gif is around mark 16:14 min into these streams.


When you put OPs gif into the context of the entire scene/movie, you'll notice that this scene is actually from a movie within this movie!

At mark 14:02 min in the English stream, the main character in the film, Marianne (played by Marianne Dupont), is on her way to enter a cinema. Soon we - as viewers - find out that she's going to watch a porn movie. And OPs gif is actually part of the movie that she's watching in this cinema.

Which opens up an interesting and complicated question: Is the footage that's shown in this cinema a different "real" porn film? Or did the film crew of this film also shot the footage for the scenes that Marianne is watching?

I assume that it is an already existing film - but that's just a guess. Outside of the cinema, you can see posters with a half naked woman, and a title that's very hard to spot. It could be the German words "Ich fühl es" (translated into English "I feel it") - and that might be the title of the porn movie that she watches.

On the other hand: When you watch and listen to the German stream starting at mark 14:51 min, you can hear a male voice from the off. He announces to the viewers in the cinema and us as viewers of this film that the following scene is from a movie called "Lustmord" - but that it was censored and that they can't show the full scene. This explanation seems weird and fake - it would be a sign that this isn't footage from a different movie.

I don't know how to find a definite answer. And OPs question is answered either way, in my opinion... ;-)

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The (main) movie is titled Mädchen, die sich hocharbeiten (in English known as Strip for Action and The Revealing of Elsie), first released by Avis in Switzerland in 1974.

marianne dupont in answer #1811537

In 2005, the companies WVG Medien GmbH and Ascot Elite released a DVD with the film under the same title and with dialogue in English.

marianne dupont in answer #1811537

Stream (full movie - in German):

Stream (full movie - with dialogue in English, from the release The Revealing of Elsie):

OPs gif is around mark 16:14 min into these streams.


When you put OPs gif into the context of the entire scene/movie, you'll notice that this scene is actually from a movie within this movie!

At mark 14:02 min in the English stream, the main character in the film, Marianne (played by Marianne Dupont), is on her way to enter a cinema. Soon we - as viewers - find out that she's going to watch a porn movie. And OPs gif is actually part of the movie that she's watching in this cinema.

Which opens up an interesting and complicated question: Is the footage that's shown in this cinema a different "real" porn film? Or did the film crew of this film also shot the footage for the scenes that Marianne is watching?

I assume that it is an already existing film - but that's just a guess. Outside of the cinema, you can see posters with a half naked woman, and a title that's very hard to spot. It could be the German words "Ich fühl es" (translated into English "I feel it") - and that might be the title of the porn movie that she watches.

On the other hand: When you watch and listen to the German stream starting at mark 14:51 min, you can hear a male voice from the off. He announces to the viewers in the cinema and us as viewers of this film that the following scene is from a movie called "Lustmord" - but that it was censored and that they can't show the full scene. This explanation seems weird and fake - it would be a sign that this isn't footage from a different movie.

I don't know how to find a definite answer. And OPs question is answered either way, in my opinion... ;-)

Strip for Action 1974 aka Madchen, die sich hocharbeiten

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