where can i find this video?
Anonymous troll
Her name is Xtra Luv:
She also went by a stage name which was probably used strictly by the "Pantyhose Parties" site, which is what the above photo derives from: Emmie.
As for the video, there may be no video; at least according to this thread which gave that answer and was marked as "CORRECT":
At first I did not want to believe no video existed, and I investigated with a lot of depth. As you may read, I suppose we have to conclude there is no video.
I pretty much copied and pasted my response above to the thread that@Mechiiine has pointed to, below. Before I put up my response, that thread did not really answer the question about where to find the video... basically, the lady was identified, and another video with her was offered. Even though that other thread did not answer the question of Where can I find the video at all (although NOW it has been answered, with the response from above that I put there), what the hell! I'll give good old Mechiiine the credit, with a "CONFIRM."
(Heck, I have now discovered that Mechiiine pointed to the same thread in the past, you know, the thread that really did not answer the question, and in that case, his response was actually marked as correct:
... I guess it's only just for "history to repeat itself.")
Her name is Xtra Luv:
She also went by a stage name which was probably used strictly by the "Pantyhose Parties" site, which is what the above photo derives from: Emmie.
As for the video, there may be no video; at least according to this thread which gave that answer and was marked as "CORRECT":
Where can I find this video?
10 years ago
AnsweredAt first I did not want to believe no video existed, and I investigated with a lot of depth. As you may read, I suppose we have to conclude there is no video.
I pretty much copied and pasted my response above to the thread that@Mechiiine has pointed to, below. Before I put up my response, that thread did not really answer the question about where to find the video... basically, the lady was identified, and another video with her was offered. Even though that other thread did not answer the question of Where can I find the video at all (although NOW it has been answered, with the response from above that I put there), what the hell! I'll give good old Mechiiine the credit, with a "CONFIRM."
(Heck, I have now discovered that Mechiiine pointed to the same thread in the past, you know, the thread that really did not answer the question, and in that case, his response was actually marked as correct:
Where can I find this video?
9 years ago
Answered... I guess it's only just for "history to repeat itself.")
Hellas678, pornorart, DoyenLebowski1950, phuonglmht9898 and soolbax confirms this as correct.
Can YOU Name That Porn?
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Her name is Xtra Luv:
She also went by a stage name which was probably used strictly by the "Pantyhose Parties" site, which is what the above photo derives from: Emmie.
As for the video, there may be no video; at least according to this thread which gave that answer and was marked as "CORRECT":
At first I did not want to believe no video existed, and I investigated with a lot of depth. As you may read, I suppose we have to conclude there is no video.
I pretty much copied and pasted my response above to the thread that@Mechiiine has pointed to, below. Before I put up my response, that thread did not really answer the question about where to find the video... basically, the lady was identified, and another video with her was offered. Even though that other thread did not answer the question of Where can I find the video at all (although NOW it has been answered, with the response from above that I put there), what the hell! I'll give good old Mechiiine the credit, with a "CONFIRM."
(Heck, I have now discovered that Mechiiine pointed to the same thread in the past, you know, the thread that really did not answer the question, and in that case, his response was actually marked as correct:
... I guess it's only just for "history to repeat itself.")
Her name is Xtra Luv:
She also went by a stage name which was probably used strictly by the "Pantyhose Parties" site, which is what the above photo derives from: Emmie.
As for the video, there may be no video; at least according to this thread which gave that answer and was marked as "CORRECT":
Where can I find this video?
10 years ago
AnsweredAt first I did not want to believe no video existed, and I investigated with a lot of depth. As you may read, I suppose we have to conclude there is no video.
I pretty much copied and pasted my response above to the thread that@Mechiiine has pointed to, below. Before I put up my response, that thread did not really answer the question about where to find the video... basically, the lady was identified, and another video with her was offered. Even though that other thread did not answer the question of Where can I find the video at all (although NOW it has been answered, with the response from above that I put there), what the hell! I'll give good old Mechiiine the credit, with a "CONFIRM."
(Heck, I have now discovered that Mechiiine pointed to the same thread in the past, you know, the thread that really did not answer the question, and in that case, his response was actually marked as correct:
Where can I find this video?
9 years ago
Answered... I guess it's only just for "history to repeat itself.")
Hellas678, pornorart, DoyenLebowski1950, phuonglmht9898 and soolbax confirms this as correct.
Know-way confirms this as correct.
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