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Where can I find these two videos?

Hi! I’m looking for two porn videos: The first one was about a blonde nice girl who was being interviewed to be president of I don't remember which organization, and the one who was listening to her was a black-haired, slightly mature but beautiful woman who asked her why did she deserved that spot, to which the blonde one responded which a lot of reasons, including: "And the girls?.. I have good relationships with them". They were drinking wine, and you could see the older one desired the younger; that, until insinuated, got close to her lips and said something which ended in "I can help you, and you can help me". They kissed, the blonde followed her game, and asked if she should take the glass of wine with her to the room where they would have sex... They reeeally enjoyed it (and the black-haired cheerfully said "Oh... my... god!!" when she could see the blonde one's butt! And obviously, she got the president spot, and the blonde girl happily and cheerfully raised her arms... It was the best porn video I have seen in my life, and I can't still find it again (I usually find "Obama" porn videos DX), though I know I will (: The other video was about a single nice looking mother who went to visit her daughter's house after a long time. Both were brunette, but the daughter had a more pale skin... Later, the mother was using a bathrobe and found some sex recordings which included her daughter and other girls, and she reacted with an "Oh my god...", as she didn't know her daughter was a lesbian. After she told her she saw the videos, the young teen explained her story and how did she end up getting laid with girls, and eventually tried to seduce her mother, kiss her and have sex with her... The mom tried to resist, and said "You can do what you want with your girl friends, but I am your mother" (or something like that), although she was already very much seduced, and with few words and lots of touching and kissing, they ended up doing it. These two, were the best porn videos I saw in my life one year ago; if you help me find them, I'll give you the maximum points :D Of course: Infinite thanks!!!!! :)
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if op finds answer it usually is: first come first serve (properly formatted answer)
you are saying she looks like Michelle lay but older..


she looks pretty old to me in that vid

if you get at least one name you have a really good chance somebody will find it

what quality was that vid (i mean year filmed +-)

i think the angle here is in every mother-daughter vid is mother seducing daughter and here daughter is seducing mother
Please upload the correct photo or photos???
Regarding the second movie, this rings a bell. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0069914/?ref_=ttkw_kw_tt

Can you tell us, were both of these scenes in full length movies, the year you saw them(So we can rule out movies that came after).
Where can I find this video?
10 years ago

Wish I could be of help. A shot-in-the-dark thought is that both have the scent of Girlfriends Films, made by ladies for that sensitive touch.

Next time you write more than a few words, think about line breaks for easier readability..!
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