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AI Jerk off

Whare i can find the entire video? or a preview?

maybe the source is Jack and Jill with Rita Stark
And u can found the gif searcing " Gif - Your gf is too distracted by your friends bigger cock "
Can YOU Name That Porn?
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@jaxiejones Some users will steal your info. I rarely see it among long time users because it's not a respectable practice. You and I are fine if you don't engage in it.NinNinreport
You're right about the MV link. Sorry about that.

WRT the 'stealing' of the content of an answer, I agree that it is underhanded, and if I did that to you, I'm sorry about that. I'll try to be more careful going forward.

The truth is that exactly that happened to me several times, in just the few months that I've been here. I'd corrected an error in a response, and the responder took it for their own.

I thought it was common practice after it happened a couple of times.

After that, I avoided doing any research on questions that had answers, even if I thought they weren't quite right. And I might put out an answer quicker than I should have, to avoid being beaten by someone who would then take my corrections and integrate them into their answers.

Not really a way to get the most correct answers out there, but the incentives are a little misaligned, at least that is my experience.
@jaxiejones My answer has a link to where you can buy the video.NinNinreport
@jaxiejones The dick thing is editing your answer and using my link. This is the second time you've done this to me in a week. You seem reasonable but your move is underhanded.NinNinreport
You gave no info about duration of the full video, nor where to get it. I did.jaxiejonesreport
Just be a dick, why don't you?jaxiejonesreport
@jaxiejones You mean the wrong info.NinNinreport
@NinNin because your reply doesn't have all the info mine does. I'll delete, but it seems goofy that mine can't remain.jaxiejonesreport
@jaxiejones Why not delete your answer and confirm mine rather than edit yours to include my info?NinNinreport
@NinNin looks like you're right. Only real difference is that Rita's hair is curled in the gif, and straight in the video I referred to.

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