Judging by the tattoos etc., does anyone know who this girl is?
I saw this girl in a joke video on YouTube. That's Dean Norris (the guy who played Hank in Breaking Bad) grabbing her ass, but I can't find the original movie or episode of whatever series this is. She might not be a porn actress, but I still wanna know who this hottie is. I tried Google and Yandex reverse image search, and even cropping bits and pieces of the image returned zero results.
Her name is Kristen Ordodi aka Kodi King, a photo model and professional wrestler from Louisiana - not a pornstar.
OPs screenshots are from the tv series Claws, episode 1 of the 4th and final season, titled Betrayal, which aired on TNT in December 2021.
Download (full episode in 2 parts):
I don't know this tv series at all, but I downloaded this episode just now.
Apparently, Dean Norris plays a main character named Clay aka Uncle Daddy, who just won a cage fight in some kind of shady uptown club (hence the blood on his white shirt). Now he's sitting at a bar (hence the drink in his hand) and talks to another guy, Bryce (he's irrelevant for us).
While they are talking, the girl that the OP asks about enters the scene - at mark 7:27 min into the video file that I downloaded. She obviously works at this dump, because all the girls (and some guys) wear the same red and black outfit.
She only says "Hey" to Uncle Daddy, and he says "Hey" back and slaps/grabs her ass. Then the guys talk some business that's irrelevant for us, until the short sequence with her ends at mark 7:50 min.
So, the girl/actress that the OP asks about obviously does not play one of the main characters; she's not credited at the end of the episode. I spotted her 1 more time at mark 12:30 min in the background - but that's it.
That's why I made some screenshots, especially of her face - for example:

If you want to see all the screenshots that I made - I put them on imagebam:
After that, I used pimeyes (restricted version) to find out if there are any matches to the face in these screenshots? I got only a few blurry thumbnails as results, but one of them led me to this banner on the following website:

The matching face is the girl on the far right in the red costume. She's a wrestler known as Kodi King for a few years now. I just spent more than an hour looking at pictures of her, comparing her tattoos with the tattoos of the girl in the screenshots - and I think it's her. Especially the tattoo on her left shoulder seems to be identical, but it's very hard to decide, because you can hardly see it fully in the screenshots.
One example for comparison: On flickr, you can search for "Kodi King" and you can find this pic:

You can not only recognize the tattoo on her left shoulder, but also a tiny mole on her chest. The girl in the screenshots from the tv episode has a mole at the exact same location on her chest:
Long story short, I think it's Kodi King, but I don't have definite proof like an official credit.
Last note: It's highly likely that she used a different name for acting in this scene, because the name Kodi King is obviously a stage name for her wrestling career. And when I cross checked the account on instagram on other pages online, I finally found her "non wrestling" name, Kristen Ordodi. And for this name, a page on IMDb exists:
The page is empty, but I assume she was added by someone to this episode with this name, and then later deleted because she's not credited. I can't proof that, but that's likely what happened...
Kristen Ordodi
OPs screenshots are from the tv series Claws, episode 1 of the 4th and final season, titled Betrayal, which aired on TNT in December 2021.
Download (full episode in 2 parts):
I don't know this tv series at all, but I downloaded this episode just now.
Apparently, Dean Norris plays a main character named Clay aka Uncle Daddy, who just won a cage fight in some kind of shady uptown club (hence the blood on his white shirt). Now he's sitting at a bar (hence the drink in his hand) and talks to another guy, Bryce (he's irrelevant for us).
While they are talking, the girl that the OP asks about enters the scene - at mark 7:27 min into the video file that I downloaded. She obviously works at this dump, because all the girls (and some guys) wear the same red and black outfit.
She only says "Hey" to Uncle Daddy, and he says "Hey" back and slaps/grabs her ass. Then the guys talk some business that's irrelevant for us, until the short sequence with her ends at mark 7:50 min.
So, the girl/actress that the OP asks about obviously does not play one of the main characters; she's not credited at the end of the episode. I spotted her 1 more time at mark 12:30 min in the background - but that's it.
That's why I made some screenshots, especially of her face - for example:

If you want to see all the screenshots that I made - I put them on imagebam:
After that, I used pimeyes (restricted version) to find out if there are any matches to the face in these screenshots? I got only a few blurry thumbnails as results, but one of them led me to this banner on the following website:

The matching face is the girl on the far right in the red costume. She's a wrestler known as Kodi King for a few years now. I just spent more than an hour looking at pictures of her, comparing her tattoos with the tattoos of the girl in the screenshots - and I think it's her. Especially the tattoo on her left shoulder seems to be identical, but it's very hard to decide, because you can hardly see it fully in the screenshots.
One example for comparison: On flickr, you can search for "Kodi King" and you can find this pic:

You can not only recognize the tattoo on her left shoulder, but also a tiny mole on her chest. The girl in the screenshots from the tv episode has a mole at the exact same location on her chest:

Long story short, I think it's Kodi King, but I don't have definite proof like an official credit.
Last note: It's highly likely that she used a different name for acting in this scene, because the name Kodi King is obviously a stage name for her wrestling career. And when I cross checked the account on instagram on other pages online, I finally found her "non wrestling" name, Kristen Ordodi. And for this name, a page on IMDb exists:
The page is empty, but I assume she was added by someone to this episode with this name, and then later deleted because she's not credited. I can't proof that, but that's likely what happened...
Kristen Ordodi
lopazohazo1 confirms this as correct.
Can YOU Name That Porn?
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Her name is Kristen Ordodi aka Kodi King, a photo model and professional wrestler from Louisiana - not a pornstar.
OPs screenshots are from the tv series Claws, episode 1 of the 4th and final season, titled Betrayal, which aired on TNT in December 2021.
Download (full episode in 2 parts):
I don't know this tv series at all, but I downloaded this episode just now.
Apparently, Dean Norris plays a main character named Clay aka Uncle Daddy, who just won a cage fight in some kind of shady uptown club (hence the blood on his white shirt). Now he's sitting at a bar (hence the drink in his hand) and talks to another guy, Bryce (he's irrelevant for us).
While they are talking, the girl that the OP asks about enters the scene - at mark 7:27 min into the video file that I downloaded. She obviously works at this dump, because all the girls (and some guys) wear the same red and black outfit.
She only says "Hey" to Uncle Daddy, and he says "Hey" back and slaps/grabs her ass. Then the guys talk some business that's irrelevant for us, until the short sequence with her ends at mark 7:50 min.
So, the girl/actress that the OP asks about obviously does not play one of the main characters; she's not credited at the end of the episode. I spotted her 1 more time at mark 12:30 min in the background - but that's it.
That's why I made some screenshots, especially of her face - for example:

If you want to see all the screenshots that I made - I put them on imagebam:
After that, I used pimeyes (restricted version) to find out if there are any matches to the face in these screenshots? I got only a few blurry thumbnails as results, but one of them led me to this banner on the following website:

The matching face is the girl on the far right in the red costume. She's a wrestler known as Kodi King for a few years now. I just spent more than an hour looking at pictures of her, comparing her tattoos with the tattoos of the girl in the screenshots - and I think it's her. Especially the tattoo on her left shoulder seems to be identical, but it's very hard to decide, because you can hardly see it fully in the screenshots.
One example for comparison: On flickr, you can search for "Kodi King" and you can find this pic:

You can not only recognize the tattoo on her left shoulder, but also a tiny mole on her chest. The girl in the screenshots from the tv episode has a mole at the exact same location on her chest:
Long story short, I think it's Kodi King, but I don't have definite proof like an official credit.
Last note: It's highly likely that she used a different name for acting in this scene, because the name Kodi King is obviously a stage name for her wrestling career. And when I cross checked the account on instagram on other pages online, I finally found her "non wrestling" name, Kristen Ordodi. And for this name, a page on IMDb exists:
The page is empty, but I assume she was added by someone to this episode with this name, and then later deleted because she's not credited. I can't proof that, but that's likely what happened...
Kristen Ordodi
OPs screenshots are from the tv series Claws, episode 1 of the 4th and final season, titled Betrayal, which aired on TNT in December 2021.
Download (full episode in 2 parts):
I don't know this tv series at all, but I downloaded this episode just now.
Apparently, Dean Norris plays a main character named Clay aka Uncle Daddy, who just won a cage fight in some kind of shady uptown club (hence the blood on his white shirt). Now he's sitting at a bar (hence the drink in his hand) and talks to another guy, Bryce (he's irrelevant for us).
While they are talking, the girl that the OP asks about enters the scene - at mark 7:27 min into the video file that I downloaded. She obviously works at this dump, because all the girls (and some guys) wear the same red and black outfit.
She only says "Hey" to Uncle Daddy, and he says "Hey" back and slaps/grabs her ass. Then the guys talk some business that's irrelevant for us, until the short sequence with her ends at mark 7:50 min.
So, the girl/actress that the OP asks about obviously does not play one of the main characters; she's not credited at the end of the episode. I spotted her 1 more time at mark 12:30 min in the background - but that's it.
That's why I made some screenshots, especially of her face - for example:

If you want to see all the screenshots that I made - I put them on imagebam:
After that, I used pimeyes (restricted version) to find out if there are any matches to the face in these screenshots? I got only a few blurry thumbnails as results, but one of them led me to this banner on the following website:

The matching face is the girl on the far right in the red costume. She's a wrestler known as Kodi King for a few years now. I just spent more than an hour looking at pictures of her, comparing her tattoos with the tattoos of the girl in the screenshots - and I think it's her. Especially the tattoo on her left shoulder seems to be identical, but it's very hard to decide, because you can hardly see it fully in the screenshots.
One example for comparison: On flickr, you can search for "Kodi King" and you can find this pic:

You can not only recognize the tattoo on her left shoulder, but also a tiny mole on her chest. The girl in the screenshots from the tv episode has a mole at the exact same location on her chest:

Long story short, I think it's Kodi King, but I don't have definite proof like an official credit.
Last note: It's highly likely that she used a different name for acting in this scene, because the name Kodi King is obviously a stage name for her wrestling career. And when I cross checked the account on instagram on other pages online, I finally found her "non wrestling" name, Kristen Ordodi. And for this name, a page on IMDb exists:
The page is empty, but I assume she was added by someone to this episode with this name, and then later deleted because she's not credited. I can't proof that, but that's likely what happened...
Kristen Ordodi
lopazohazo1 confirms this as correct.
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