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where can i find this video

Indiana Fox and Tania Berry are the actors but sources don't work
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doneda2949 I've been looking for this one too, for a couple of years. only thing i can think of is that they used fake names. i know Indiana Fox also went by Samia and Agnes in a couple of her vids. it's got to exist, i bet they have it easy to find in Francesushipig13report
I could not find a single video with both Indiana and Tania. There are a couple of videos that appear to be of them filmed in the same location. I was able to find this video of Indiana Foxhttps://www.xvideos.com/video13385823/incredible_the_metisse_cums_3_times_with_2_guys_french_amateur#
This is no final answer -> I found out when/where it was published, but I still can't find it anywhere. And I'm out of ideas right now... :-(


So, first I put the link that you provided into the wayback machine, and there is one single result from April 26, 2012:


On this page, you can see a short news article about the publication of the scene/video that you're asking about - in French. Google translates this to:

Indiana Fox and Tania Berry in Hardcore for Indiana Fox Prod

Indiana Fox and Tania Berry are joined by pornstar William Le Bris for a Hard Trio! Produced by Indiana Fox, the Video 'William and two Girlfriends' is available at 13xit

"It is in a rather nice hotel that we find William Le Bris strolling in the corridor. "Come, come, I have two girlfriends to introduce you to, two totally frenzied work girls." The door opens and the beautiful Indiana Fox and the sexy Tania Berry are waiting for him on the bed. Some exchange of words later and in less time than it takes to say it, our trio gets carried away in a nice cavalcade... A good fucking scene in perspective.

Find this new scene exclusively on the web at your online streaming editor 13xit.net"

There's also a direct link to the page with the video on website 13xit.net -> but this link is dead.


So, then I put the website 13xit.net into the wayback machine and looked for April 2012 and found this page:


The page includes all the scenes released by the company Indiana Fox Prod that were available in May 2012. And when you scroll down, you can see the data for the scene that you're looking for:

Producteur : INDIANA-PROD
Réalisateur : indiana fox
Ajouté le : 17 mars 2012

Unfortunately, again, the next link is dead.


And this is the end of my research -> I couldn't find anything about this scene. It is nowhere mentioned... :-(
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