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Can YOU Name That Porn?
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Before you go accusing me of 'quality issues' with my confirmation, it might be good for you to know the whole story.

@FOOTLOVERXXL posted this about 1 day ago:

Mature name?
2 months ago

I solved that post. After that,@FOOTLOVERXXL (cleverly) resolved your question.

Regardless of your silly claims about wanting to know who a person is, when a different face has been photoshopped onto their body (is it the face or the body?), I found the performer, and FOOTLOVERXXL cleverly got 1k points.

When you NOW claim that the question was about the face, we all can see that that is blatantly false. The only comment in the question was 'Amateur or what?'.

You didn't say 'Whose is the photoshopped face, on this unrelated body?'

Give me a break.
Since footlover did spend time to confirm that it was a photoshopped one, now I'd give it to him/her. But the question was about the face, she does have, rather it received any moderation with it or not! I And that's clarification I did need. But still the face remained 'unknown'. Like, if the face was of 'Persia Monir' with that very body down her, then for me, the correct answer would have been 'Persia Monir' and not Melinda. I think one should get what I'm trying to convey here.
And BTW, If @jaxiejones you do have time to visit my profile, then please spend more, to be assured about on the quality of confirmation that I made! For me, it's the quality over quantity bro.
And my profile is a 9 years' old one! Do you still think that the "30 answer confirmations" is still that highly appreciable by any chance?! If yes then, No Offense dude, you finally can chill with this precious '10' points.
@baqah are you serious? I confirmed an answer that I believed (and still do) was correct.

What is wrong with that?

I looked through your profile, and in just the first 10 pages of your actions, you confirmed well over 30 answers.

But I'm not supposed to?
Nope that's not her :( BTW thanx for your time @FOOTLOVERXXL & @jaxiejones please stop correcting for petty 10 points :/baqahreport
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