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gagged damsel western

Where/What is the episode of "The Virginian" where this girl gets gagged in a closet

Hello! Really need help with this one, please.

There was this older video on youtube named "Damsel gag talkin".

It's a scene from a show called "The Virginian" where a cowboy finds a woman tied up and gagged in a closet, she tries to talk through her gag for like 15 seconds, then he unties and ungags her.

The channel this video was on is terminated, so I cannot watch the video anymore. However, there are episodes of "The Virginian" still up, but there's so many I wouldn't know where to find this very short scene.

So if anyone has ANY idea on how I could find this scene, please let me know. This may be one of the hardest questions on this site considering the video is no longer with us.

SOMETHING that may help is if you search "damsel gag talkin" you can find the video under "images"

Here is the link https://www.google.com/search?q=damsel+gag+talkin&source=lmns&tbm=vid&bih=937&biw=1920&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS917US917&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjOr4uziJPsAhUPc98KHbb8DzEQ_AUoAXoECAEQAQ

But it just brings you to the terminated video. Again, this scene HAS to exist somewhere on the internet, but theres 9 seasons of the show, and the episodes are like 50 minutes I think. Please, please help me find this scene.

If someone ACTUALLY finds this scene, I might honestly give you like 5$ on paypal just as a minor show of gratitude. I want to find it really bad. Thank you for your time.

I believe the woman in this link is the damsel I am referring to, can anyone help me find out her name? Or what episode she was in?

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UPDATE: https://www9.watchseries.movie/search.html?keyword=virginian

This link brings you to a safe website where you can watch every single episode of The Virginian. That scene has to be somewhere within all these episodes.

If anyone can help me please find that DID scene, it will be much appreciated. I will try and sift through all the episodes starting with season 1. This is gonna take a long time.
I believe the woman in this link is the damsel I am referring to, can anyone help me find out her name? Or what episode she was in?

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