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Where can I find this video?

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I often don't find the time to write everything down from my research. Writing in English is just time consuming for me.

And sometime I think: If someone takes a fresh approach to a question, it's maybe better than following the research that I did. So that's why I often don't write comments...
@newbie2 what a nice research, with amazing findings!

Congratulations, sweetheart!

In my opinion, even if you have not found exactly what you're asked, anyway the findings you get my (1) help others to continue from where you stopped; and (2) bring pleasure to the entire community.

With this in mind, I always share what I find, even the smallest thing…

Love, Piera

A few months ago, I made screenshots of all frames of OPs uploaded gif and did image search on every single frame. This way, I found the same gif and a similar gif on old tumblrs:

You can spot the name "Little Luna" aka "llittle-lluna" attributed to these tumblrs. The original tumblr account is deactivated, but you can find copies of a few old posts on thumbs.pro here:

OPs gif is currently on page 2 and this search list. So, her (account) name is/was "Little Luna" aka "llittle-lluna" - but I can't figure out anything else about her. All dead ends.

And OPs question here is after the video - not the name. That's why I didn't answer a few months back. I assume that no longer video exists - but who knows? Someone might find it?!?
@newbie2 I'm glad you had a laugh.
Concerning the girl, can you do better than me?

That's the funniest wrong answer that I read on NTP ever! Well done; I had a good laugh just before going to bed - thanks! :-)
bump bump solve thisreport
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