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model, young, brunette, softcore, sensual

What's the name of this brunette model from the cover of this 1980 book?

This is the cover photo from a novel published in 1980. I know this one is probably a real long shot but I'm hoping someone will recognize this pretty young lass. The book is about young children terrorizing their babysitter. While it may be a stretch to call this softcore it does have some erotic elements to the image. She is tied to a chair in her nightgown, which shows a nice amount of her beautiful legs. Her right arm is free and she has placed her right hand under her left breast with her thumb gently up against her breast, next to her nipple - both of which are faintly visible through her very sexy nightgown. Two strips of tape are across her mouth so she cannot scream. Her expression and the look in her eyes are wide eyed terror mixed with hope that someone will rescue her. I think this young lady posed brilliantly for this modeling assignment. I'm hoping someone knows who she is and if she did other modeling in the late 70's or early 80's.
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